[Incubator] Info on the Old OSGeo Labs

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Mar 3 07:13:45 PST 2016

+1, I think these changes make a lot of sense and as part of an OSGeo 
Technology project this feels very inclusive.

-Steve W

On 3/3/2016 9:46 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> I would like to change the tone of the page a bit, since it "assumes"
> incubation ..
>     /OSGeo Labs is an umbrella for open source geospatial software
>     projects that would like to become OSGeo projects in the future, but
>     that aren't ready for incubation quite yet. It is appropriate to
>     submit your new or experimental project as an OSGeo labs project./
>     /
>     /
>     /The volunteers that work as part of OSGeo Labs have the goal of
>     helping OSGeo Labs Projects qualify for incubation. To reach this
>     goal, OSGeo Labs volunteers help OSGeo Labs Projects with the
>     following tasks:
>     /
> Would become:
>     /Welcome to OSGeo Technology. The projects listed here are part of
>     the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and range from new
>     experimental projects to established pillars of our open source
>     ecosystem./
>     /
>     /
>     /All projects here meet our goals as an organization - they are open
>     source (no really we checked) and are inclusive and welcoming to new
>     contributors./
>     /
>     /
>     /Projects that go on to establish excellence in community building,
>     documentation, and governance can enter our "incubation" program. /
> I would also lose the "status" conditions seed/seedling/sapling/adult
> and keep OSGeo Technology focused on the basics (open source &
> inclusive). The status becomes having the "OSGeo Technology" badge nice
> and simple.
> Thinking this through a bit more we have one clear reason for projects
> to go through with incubation - being recognized by the board and having
> an OSGeo Officer listed directly for the project, while OSGeo Technology
> projects "share" an officer (as part of "incubation committee").
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 11 February 2016 at 11:04, Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
> <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     There is some good information on what we were trying to achieve
>     with the old OSGeo Labs on the wiki:
>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Labs
>     I think most of that information on the wiki still applies. This
>     includes the purpose of labs, how projects get started in labs, what
>     labs is trying to accomplish, and the criteria to determine if your
>     project is a good fit for labs.
>     Does anyone have major heartburn with what is laid out on that wiki
>     page? (I'll rename the wiki page as soon as we get a new name for labs.)
>     Landon
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