[Incubator] MOTION: GeoNode Graduation from OSGeo Incubation

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Sep 2 05:46:48 PDT 2016

+1 on graduation. Congratulations!



The project seems to have a quite healthy and open community of users 
and contributors around it and that's one of the key things that I like 
to see around OSGeo projects.

Note that in the incubation checklist you only answered "Yes" to the 
project officer question. Perhaps we should reword the question in the 
checklist, but I'd expect the project officer to be named there. That 
name will be required for the motion to the board later on anyway.

And a few notes for the upcoming docs sprint: As I was walking through 
the process docs linked form the checklist, I found several broken 
links. In most cases I was able to find the info through other means, 
but I thought I'd point a few of them to make sure they are addressed:


The link to the AUTHORS file is broken. It points to a "dev" branch that 
no longer exist. Perhaps point it to the master branch?

- http://docs.geonode.org/en/latest/organizational/roadmap.html#roadmap

Does the organizational partner list still exist and still lead the 
roadmap or is this old info? The geonode-org google group has restricted 
access and I'm unable to read roadmap items and other docs linked from 
this page.

On 2016-08-25 11:28 AM, David William Bitner wrote:
> Dear Incubation Committee,
> As the mentor for GeoNode Incubation, I would like to make a motion to
> graduate GeoNode from the OSGeo incubation process with Jeff Johnson to
> act as the Project Officer.
> You will find the Incubation Checklist at:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GeoNode_Incubation_Checklist
> During the incubation process much work has been done to solidify the
> intellectual property behind GeoNode.
>   * copyright was transferred from the now dissolved OpenPlans
>   * a Contributor License Agreement has been adopted and a process
>     created to collect from all contributors
>   * all files have been checked for headers
>   * the release process documentation has been shored up
> GeoNode has a tremendous "bus quotient" as there are core developers
> distributed globally. Many of the institutional direct users have
> developed strong expertise in GeoNode along with many companies that
> have developed support programs built around GeoNode. There is no single
> point of failure for this project.
> The GeoNode has managed to work in the open from inception in a way that
> has enabled enormous amounts of collaboration both between institutions
> using GeoNode and companies/individuals providing support for GeoNode.
> Thanks,
> David
> --
> ************************************
> David William Bitner
> dbSpatial LLC
> 612-424-9932
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Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

http://evouala.com/ - Location Intelligence Made Easy

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