[Incubator] Motion to accept Oskari into Incubation (2nd serve)

Dimitris Kotzinos kotzino at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 04:55:54 PDT 2017

Dear all,

first of all my apologies primarily to you Arnulf and to the rest of the
committee members for not properly replying the first time input was

So I am +1 for accepting Oskari into Incubation.

For the last question of the message:
the project needs a way to allow potential developers and users to
communicate, ask questions, debate, etc. For me it is not obligatory to
use one or more mailing lists but it is important to have clearly
announced and described communication channels. If mailing lists are not
wanted then the project could look to alternate means of
communication/discussion like forums, slack-type open source tools, etc.
But on the other hand relying only on Twitter I think it is not enough!

Best regards,


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