[Incubator] Proposing a new OSGeo Community project: Blink Raster

a.hagen-zanker at surrey.ac.uk a.hagen-zanker at surrey.ac.uk
Mon Jan 15 14:56:33 PST 2018

Dear all,

Apologies if you received this message already. I sent a message last week that made it to the list archive (http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2018-January/003475.html), but apparently not to all email inboxes.

I would like to propose my open source library as an OSGeo Community project. The library is called Blink Raster and it is a C++ library aimed at efficient raster processing using basic and modern C++ idioms.  The library is based on my experience of developing Cellular Automata land use models, map comparison methods, neutral models and geostatistics for raster data. I would think that the primary users will be researchers in the field of environmental modelling, who require more flexibility than offered by GIS packages and more efficiency than offered by script based libraries. However, the functionality is quite fundamental, so who knows where it may be useful.

I think I meet all the requirements for a Community project. I still lack a community though :). I will introduce the library at FOSDEM 2018 and submitted an abstract for the FOSS4G UK 2018. in March.

The project is hosted on Github: www.github.com/ahhz/raster<http://www.github.com/ahhz/raster>

I am quite open as to whether this should formally be an OSGeo Community project or just a project listed  on the website. I believe the library is at a stage now where it can be useful to people and can be used within other projects. The reason for reaching out to the OSGeo community is to find users, get feedback and potentially find collaborators.

Thank you for taking this into consideration, I'll be happy to hear from you.

With kind regards, Alex
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