[Incubator] recommend OSGeoLive for graduation

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 09:54:36 PDT 2018

I am happy to report that the OSGeo Live team had a very successful time at
the code-sprint in Bonn and has completed their incubation requirements,
from their new wiki

* https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/wiki/Graduation%20List
* https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/wiki/Provenance%20Review

For context here is my final review
<https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/live-demo/2018-March/013000.html> on the
osgeo live mailing list. It is worthwhile pointing out that even a project
as well established, and knowledgeable on open source, found some
activities to work on during the incubation process.

With this in mind I would like to make the following motion:

*Recognize OSGeo Live completion of the incubation program and
acknowledgement as an OSGeo project, with Angelous appointed as initial
project officer.*

This motion is held open until April 12th, requiring 50% of the incubation
committee to respond (+1,0,-1) for completion.

   - Bruce Bannerman
   - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques
   - Landon Blake
   - Howard Butler
   - Arnulf Christl
   - Jo Cook
   - Jody Garnett +1 Initial motion
   - Dimitris Kotzinos
   - Tom Kralidis
   - Julien-Samuel Lacroix
   - Mark Lucas
   - Steve Lime
   - Daniel Morissette
   - Markus Schneider
   - Cameron Shorter
   - Norman Vine
   - Frank Warmerdam

Jody Garnett
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