[Incubator] Revisiting Loader as an OSGeo community project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 15:52:32 PDT 2018

Sounds great Jo, and that discussion you had is exactly the “outreach”
effect we are seeking out of this community project program :)

Please thank Matt for this work!

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 6:48 AM Jo Cook <jocook at astuntechnology.com> wrote:

> Hi List,
> I'd like to revisit our request for Loader (
> https://github.com/AstunTechnology/Loader) to be accepted as an OSGeo
> Community Project. In previous discussions about this back in July there
> was some concern about the lack of license headers in the code. This has
> taken us a while to resolve to our satisfaction as there are a small number
> of files licensed under a different license to the main code base, and we
> wanted to make sure we covered that correctly.
> We believe this is now done, and so we'd like to revisit our request!
> As a reminder, Loader was developed by my colleague at Astun Technology,
> Matt Walker, as a high-performance python wrapper around ogr2ogr, for
> primarily loading large quantities of Ordnance Survey Mastermap data into
> postgreSQL (or other formats). It has since been expanded to cover the
> loading of other Ordnance Survey data sources, the most recent work being
> around loading data for routing.
> It's licensed under an MIT license (with a small number of files licensed
> under the Apache license), has a contributors readme at
> https://github.com/AstunTechnology/Loader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md,
> accepts contributions, and has a relatively active community- it's used by
> a lot of organisations for bulk loading data, including the Ordnance Survey
> themselves.
> All the best
> Jo
> --
> *Jo Cook*
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