[Incubator] motion: accept loader as community project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 20:17:40 PDT 2018

A reminder we have the following motion open:

   - motion: Accept "Loader" as a community project

This motion is held open until Oct 16th to give everyone a chance to
participate. We need at least one more response to meet our 50% response

   - Bruce Bannerman +1 seconded
   - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques +1
   - Landon Blake
   - Howard Butler
   - Arnulf Christl +1
   - Jo Cook
   - Jody Garnett +1 initial motion
   - Dimitris Kotzinos
   - Tom Kralidis
   - Julien-Samuel Lacroix +1
   - Mark Lucas
   - Steve Lime +1
   - Daniel Morissette +1
   - Markus Schneider
   - Cameron Shorter +1
   - Norman Vine
   - Frank Warmerdam

Community support:

   - Is welcome!

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 16:45, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to thank Jo and Matt for updating their project in accordance
> with our community project guidance, and would like to make the following
> motion:
>    - motion: Accept "Loader" as a community project
> The requirements for community projects are:
>    1. Selection of an open source license if the project hasn't already
>    done so.
>    2. Checking your source code headers and history
>    3. Setup appropriate LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING and README files (for
>    github projects)
> This motion is held open until Oct 16th to give everyone a chance to
> participate:
>    - Bruce Bannerman
>    - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques
>    - Landon Blake
>    - Howard Butler
>    - Arnulf Christl
>    - Jo Cook
>    - Jody Garnett +1 initial motion
>    - Dimitris Kotzinos
>    - Tom Kralidis
>    - Julien-Samuel Lacroix
>    - Mark Lucas
>    - Steve Lime
>    - Daniel Morissette
>    - Markus Schneider
>    - Cameron Shorter
>    - Norman Vine
>    - Frank Warmerdam
> Community support:
>    - Is welcome!
> --
> Jody Garnett
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