[Incubator] motion: Accept MapCentia GC2 to OSGeo Community

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Oct 29 10:03:01 PDT 2018



On 2018-10-27 6:06 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Earlier this week *MapCentia GC2* sent in an application to the OSGeo 
> Community program, the project is split across two repositories:
> https://github.com/mapcentia/geocloud2 - GC2: Combines PostGIS, 
> MapServer, QGIS Server, MapCache, Elasticsearch,  ogr2ogr and more into 
> one easy-to-use web application
> https://github.com/mapcentia/vidi - Vidi: A modern take on web GIS. It 
> is the front-end for GC2.
> This project meets our OSGeo community requirements:
> 1. geospatial
> 2. open source license, with source code check of headers
> 3. accepts contributions
> /This has been verified by checking the GitHub LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING and 
> README files. For web client software we discussed double checking if a 
> web service license key is required, in this case both the service and 
> client code is supplied./
> This motion is held open until Nov 10th to give everyone a chance to 
> vote (require a 50% response rate for "quorum"):
>   * Bruce Bannerman
>   * Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques
>   * Landon Blake
>   * Howard Butler
>   * Arnulf Christl
>   * Jo Cook
>   * Jody Garnett +1 initial motion
>   * Dimitris Kotzinos
>   * Tom Kralidis
>   * Julien-Samuel Lacroix
>   * Mark Lucas
>   * Steve Lime
>   * Daniel Morissette
>   * Markus Schneider
>   * Cameron Shorter
>   * Norman Vine
>   * Frank Warmerdam
> Community support:
>   * Martin Høgh has brought this application to the incubation committee
>   * Additional community support and encouragement for MapCentia GC2 is
>     of course welcome!
> --
> Jody Garnett
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Daniel Morissette
Mapgears Inc
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

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