[Incubator] Application to accept GeoExt as a OSGeo Community Project

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 11:44:05 PDT 2019

Going to highlight a couple things quickly:

Can you start making a GeoExt page for the OSGeo.org website
- This really should be a first step (as it hits several of the checks and
is needed before we can announce the project)\
- I am sure you have the content already from your OSGeo Live particpation

For the source code copyright - it is not so much of an assignment as a
donation of the code base the Open Source Geospatial Foundation...
- OpenLayers was already part of OSGeo at this time ... what happened to
this request?
- GeoExt PSC continued to function independently of OpenLayers or not?
- For GeoNode we had to go back to the former owner of OpenPlans and ask
him to sign a Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License Agreement
<https://www.osgeo.org/resources/corporate-contributor-license/> (listing
GeoNode under Schedule B).
- Not having these permissions is not terrible - it just limits the options
of the GeoExt PSC....

As for Ext3 - we can have open source projects that work in a non
open source environment. This was the case for Java project's (before
OpenJDK) and any number of open source windows projects. I suspect we can
even find some open source projects based on arcobjects if we try...

Free Software licenses (like GPL) have stricter restrictions, that dual
license arrangement looks like it would need careful management. To pull
that off you would really make sure to contributors contribute under BSD,
or have a real clear CLA in place allowing PSC permission to take GPL
contributions back to BSD. I would be really careful about any ExtJS code
being duplicated/modified when you do a code review.

What a complicated puzzel? Why bother releasing a GPL version? If you just
released BSD it would work for both when releasing... Oh I get it,
contributors that only have access to GPL ExtJS would have their
contributions as GPL. Yeah a clear CLA would be a nice way out of this (GPL
contribution comes in with CLA, PSC has permission to relicense as BSD for
users of commercial ExtJS library). I guess releasing it as GPL only is
off the table as those willing to pay for commercial license probably did
so to avoid GPL responsibilities. Still I am sure these license questions
have dogged the project for a while, I will read the FAQ.
Jody Garnett

On Mon, 5 Aug 2019 at 05:12, Seth G <sethg at geographika.co.uk> wrote:

> Dear Incubation Committee,
> On behalf of the GeoExt PSC I would like to apply for OSGeo Community
> Project status for the GeoExt project.
> From our understanding the project meets all criteria as listed at [1].
> The process for application has been documented in the GeoExt repository
> [2], along with a PSC vote.
> GeoExt is open source and enables building desktop-like GIS applications
> through the web. It is a JavaScript framework that combines the GIS
> functionality of OpenLayers with the user interface of the ExtJS library
> provided by Sencha. The project home page is here [3].
> The first release of GeoExt was in 2009, and the current version - GeoExt3
> started in 2017. Source code copyright has already been assigned to OSGeo
> (I believe following an application made on the OpenLayers mailing lists
> [4]). The project will also feature in the next OSGeoLive release [5].
> If there are any more details required for the application please let us
> know.
> Regards,
> Seth / GeoExt PSC
> [1]
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects#Qualifying_As_An_OSGeo_Community_Project
> [2] https://github.com/geoext/geoext3/issues/547
> [3] https://geoext.github.io/geoext3/
> [4]
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/openlayers-dev/2009-March/004591.html
> [5] https://osgeo.github.io/OSGeoLive-doc/en/overview/geoext_overview.html
> --
> web:http://geographika.co.uk
> twitter: @geographika
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