[Incubator] MobilityDB

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 23:47:41 PDT 2020

Good discussion, comments inline:

>>    - photo: do you have a photo of your team?
>> Alas we don't have a photo ready, and because of COVID it is difficult to
> make one now. For now, the section "Who's involved" partially compensates
> for it, as it lists all developers and PSC members.

I understand, wonder if we are going to have to take screen snaps of video
chats soon :)

>>    - content / images: looks good, usually we put a border on the images
>>    (like a laptop or browser window)
>> Because MobilityDB is a database system, it doesn't have visual
> components. We visualize the data and the query results in any PostgreSQL
> client (pgAdmin, QGIS, etc). For instance, the images in this section are
> done in QGIS. We avoid using the client interface as a border, because it
> could be misleading. Readers may wrongly think that MobilityDB is part of
> QGIS, for example.

Understood, I should probably make a simple black frame for this kind of
use. Thanks for the background.

>>    - project type / topic / level 1 / level 2: this information is
>>    needed if your project is to be found on the website choose a project
>>    <https://www.osgeo.org/choose-a-project/> guide
>> Done.

Thanks that is working great, I was able to find your project.

>>    - standards / development : please fill in
>> We would have liked to see in the list:
> - ISO19141 Geographic information — Schema for moving features (
> https://www.iso.org/standard/41445.html).
> - OGC Moving Features (https://www.ogc.org/standards/movingfeatures)
> For now, we choose OGC, without a specific standard.

I think you can add new standards as you go? I will add those two for you

MobilityDB is mainly developed and supported by an academic team in
> Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Would this qualify ULB to be a service
> provider ? Otherwise, there is no service provider yet.

OSGeo has the idea of GeoForAll Labs for academic and research teams. Is
your team part of GeoForAll?

>>    - communication:  any twitter, stack exachange tag, anything?
>> Thanks for insisting. We have created a twitter account. Indeed so far we
> are not active on social media, but we should. (
> https://twitter.com/mobilitydb)

Nice work! Even just for releases and stuff it is helpful.

> Thanks. We are so happy that you like it !

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