[Incubator] OSGeo Community Project XYZ/Mapp

Dennis Bauszus dennis.bauszus at geolytix.co.uk
Fri Aug 26 03:07:04 PDT 2022

Dear OSGeo Incubator Community,

I would like to apply for XYZ/Mapp to become a community project.

We are currently pushing for the v4 release of the project.


You may find our MIT licence in the repository. We are using the github
wiki for documentation.

The readme will give you an idea about the nature of the project.

I just talked to Jody at the FOSS4G conference and re-read the requirements
for OSGeo Community Projects.

I do believe that XYZ/Mapp fits the requirements and would like to start
the process by creating a project page on the OSGeo website.

Dennis Bauszus
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