[Incubator] OSGeo Community Project XYZ/Mapp

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Sat Aug 27 05:34:26 PDT 2022

Dennis Bauszus <dennis.bauszus at geolytix.co.uk> writes:

> Thank you for your response Greg,

Note that I am just a random person, not a board member, not a formal
incubator committee member, and not even an osgeo charter member.

> I will review the contribution rules and make the necessary changes to the
> repository in the next couple of weeks.
> I will let you know when these changes have been made.
> Is there any project that started as private and made a move towards the
> community later on which you can recommend me?

I do not have any examples at hand.  Basically an open source project
should operate more or less without regard to contributor's
affiliations.  As usual, my opinion, unclear the extent to which the
larger osgeo community agrees.

However, I would suggest that if you have in place processes about how
contributions are accepted, and a clear policy on true open source vs
open-core or proprietary relicensing, and it's just not written down,
then describing reality should be easy.

If there is no track record of contributions from people outside your
company, then I would say you are not ready for incubation.  Again just
my opinion.

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