[Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project - ETF testing framework

MINGHINI Marco Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu
Wed Aug 31 03:51:00 PDT 2022

Dear Jody,

following the discussion below and also our face-to-face discussion in Florence last week, could you confirm that the ETF application to become an OSGeo Community Project is ok? I understand that a formal approval of the incubation committee through a motion is needed to then proceed to the Board.

If the application needs to be revised, we are happy to take new suggestions into account.

Thank you and best regards,


From: Incubator <incubator-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of MINGHINI Marco <Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu>
Sent: 18 August 2022 16:56:36
To: Jody Garnett
Cc: incubator at lists.osgeo.org; Jon Herrmann; Clemens Portele; LUTZ Michael (JRC-ISPRA); José Enrique Soriano Sevilla; CIRA Pierpaolo (JRC-ISPRA)
Subject: Re: [Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project - ETF testing framework

Dear Jody,

thanks for getting back to us and pointing to this.

We have added License.md files to the directories - see examples at [1], [2].

Jon Herrmann and I (both members of the ETF Steering Group) will be in Florence for FOSS4G and will be happy to continue the discussion there, if needed. Jon will give the ETF presentation on Friday 26/8 at 11:30.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/tree/next/etf-bsxds/src/test/resources<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/tree/next/etf-bsxds/src/test/resources__;!!DOxrgLBm!EaeMLCvR7HtzpVqrcDg94lYtCrMQXTgXibapp1iAThVpmJK8q7SQHZWhjgJIVY2fV3cwefibmem43lZfkAP-p6V2iA8C55DxC0Wy-32i$>
[2] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/next/etf-bsxds/src/main/resources/License.md<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/next/etf-bsxds/src/main/resources/License.md__;!!DOxrgLBm!EaeMLCvR7HtzpVqrcDg94lYtCrMQXTgXibapp1iAThVpmJK8q7SQHZWhjgJIVY2fV3cwefibmem43lZfkAP-p6V2iA8C55DxC6r1z2QX$>

From: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
Sent: 15 August 2022 07:41
Cc: incubator at lists.osgeo.org; Jon Herrmann; Clemens Portele; LUTZ Michael (JRC-ISPRA); José Enrique Soriano Sevilla
Subject: Re: [Incubator] Application for OSGeo Community Project - ETF testing framework

Macro this looks really good; did a spot check on headers and so oono as you did not indicate you checked the headers.

But really I should ask you and the team - have you checked the codebase to see if the license has been applied correctly?

I love that your test resources are xml; this does not make it into the shipped executable but I should ask if these files contain any content you wish to give credit for (or was it all written as part of the project).  You could add an xml comment, or a READEM.md in the directory to serve the same purpose as the header.

I will wait to hear back from you; does anyone else have further input?
Jody Garnett

On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 at 06:29, MINGHINI Marco <Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Marco.MINGHINI at ec.europa.eu>> wrote:

Dear OSGeo Incubation Committee,

I am happy to contact you to propose a new project, the ETF testing framework, as an OSGeo Community Project.

The ETF testing framework [1,2] is an open source testing framework for validating spatial data, metadata and web services in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). The concepts in ETF are based on ISO 19105 and the OGC Specification Model which underpin the standards used in SDIs. Tests are organized in Executable Test Suites (ETS), which can be developed and executed using different tools to support all kinds of resources. Currently supported ones are SoapUI for testing web services, BaseX for testing XML documents, and TEAM Engine for re-using OGC tests. The ETF can be used via a predefined UI or via a REST API.

Many implementations of the ETF are currently available. The most popular is probably the INSPIRE Reference Validator [3], which makes use of the ETF to execute INSPIRE-specific ETS. Several EU Member States are also using the ETF (at different levels: national, regional and local) to replicate the INSPIRE-specific tests and/or extend them with other tests based on national or other requirements.

The ETF has been already presented at FOSS4G conferences:

  *   FOSS4G 2019: INSPIRE Reference Validator: status and next steps by Marco Minghini, Michael Lutz, Clemens Portele, Jon Herrmann, Enrique Soriano, Carlos Palma, Iñaki Díaz de Cerio Paniagua, Belén Sáez, Lorena Hernandez, Daniele Francioli, Fabio Vinci
  *   FOSS4G 2021: Open source geospatial software powering policy implementation: the INSPIRE central infrastructure components by Marco Minghini, Alexander Kotsev, Vlado Cetl, Lorena Hernandez, Michael Lutz, Daniele Francioli, Davide Artasensi, Emanuela Epure, Fabio Vinci, Fabiano Spinelli, Lukasz Ziemba (https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/ZKRWYN/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://callforpapers.2021.foss4g.org/foss4g2021/talk/ZKRWYN/__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubrQJ6kKhw$>)
  *   FOSS4G 2022: ETF testing framework: past, present and future by Jon Herrmann, Marco Minghini, Clemens Portele, Michael Lutz (submitted and currently under review)

We are also preparing an application to include the ETF in the next version of the OSGeoLive.

Regarding the checklist for OSGeo Community Projects [4]:

1. The project is geospatial, see the project description at [1] and [5].

  *   the project does not yet have a page on the OSGeo website, we understand that this is the first step
  *   the project provides documentation for users [6] administrators [7] and developers [8].

2. The project is licensed under the EUPL v.1.2, see [9].
3. The project welcomes participation and new contributors:

  *   contribution policy: [10]
  *   history of bug reports and pull requests can be found on the repositories under [2], especially on [5].
  *   code of conduct: [11]

We are available to answer any question and provide any useful information to proceed with the next steps.

Best regards,

Marco - on behalf of the ETF Steering Group

[1] http://etf-validator.net<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://etf-validator.net/__;!!DOxrgLBm!UvR1kftQcLgI0pIHnKKusY23bweSMhF9CdWZjAsWPgY49H9cK9Rs5HIqNIO4Ob1On0UqAiU$>

[2] https://github.com/etf-validator<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUuboKKeT3PQ$>

[3] https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/validator/

[4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Projects__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubpM6XjyQA$>

[5] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubrMVNBLtQ$>

[6] http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_user_manuals<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_user_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubp2MnCilw$>
[7] http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_administrator_manuals<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_administrator_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubrUm6fkBg$>
[8] http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html#_developer_manuals<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://docs.etf-validator.net/v2.0/index.html*_developer_manuals__;Iw!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubpTgcXj9g$>
[9] https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/master/LICENSE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/etf-webapp/blob/master/LICENSE__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubp_ZQ188g$>
[10] https://github.com/etf-validator/governance/blob/master/TOR/Contribution.md<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/etf-validator/governance/blob/master/TOR/Contribution.md__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubro7BZ6qA$>
[11] https://github.com/guadaltel/governance/blob/8791bedab49372132c2814b95837b4401bfaee5e/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/guadaltel/governance/blob/8791bedab49372132c2814b95837b4401bfaee5e/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc__;!!DOxrgLBm!HMGlUoZRBaz87srzgd3tWMQsClnO86zY6KFziUz1XA6QfT-wM5PiN9Hpdt_yCRfB4axLEdHEK1TpLax7wbOUubo0PBoPnw$>
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