[Incubator] Application OSGeo - GISCollective

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Wed Mar 16 07:20:47 PDT 2022

Bogdan Szabo <contact at szabobogdan.com> writes:

> Hi Greg,
> As a quick response: our users are not that interested in self-hosting
> GISCollective, that's why we focus the guide on how to use the
> platform instead of how to set it up. We just started writing this
> guide(it does not cover yet all the features) and we are looking
> forward for feedback to improve it.

It's perfectly fine to have a user-facing guide.  But you are ssking to
have an "open source project" accepted into osgeo, and thus IMHO there
needs to be a functioning open source project, which implies a place for
people that contribute to projects to understand the big picture and
particularly about building from source and contributing.

> If you are interested in how to set it up, you can check  https://guide.giscollective.com/en/develop/installing/ page. It should have all the details you need. If there is something missing I would gladly add it. 

That talks about getting docker images, which is not starting from
source code.  I expect to see "clone this repo and follow BUILDING.md"
or similar (exact form not important of course), not "download this
binary system image".  I am not saying it is bad to offer pre-built
binaries to people, but an open-source project (as distinct from a
hosted  service offering for  people that don't want an open source
project) has to have a source-first orientation.
> In terms of code, it's spread across multiple repos and on this page
> https://guide.giscollective.com/en/develop/architecture/ you can check
> out the architecture, and links to code of each component. Is there
> anything that is missing to make it more clear for developers?

The architecture page is useful, sorry I missed it.

There is language I  find strange:

  We try to use open source programming languages and frameworks that
  are supported by open source communities.

If this is an open source project, then the project sources being open
source is required, and it's all but required to be able to build/use
this using only open source tools.  I therefore wonder what is behind
"try" and perhaps it is just an editing issue.

> I will try to address the rest of the questions by the end of the week.

Thanks for listening!
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