[Incubator] TorchGeo interested in joining OSGeo

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 08:21:01 PST 2024


You should be able to out the “osgeo community” branding in your website:

You may also wish to make a news post here:

If your project has a blog you can also register it with community news.

You are very welcome to start an application for incubation; we had a call
to update some of our procedures around this (so if the docs are confusing
please ask).

Jody Garnett

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 1:54 AM Adam Stewart <ajstewart426 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jody,
> It looks like the motion passed! We're excited to join OSGeo, and will
> make the announcement to our users today. We'll also encourage our users to
> join OSGeo itself.
> I'm not sure how the process usually looks, but I believe we also satisfy
> all requirements for the second tier of membership. Should we get started
> on that process, or is there a certain amount of time that projects usually
> wait in the first tier before moving to the second tier?
> Adam
> On Jan 22, 2024, at 23:56, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Adam:
> I with the osgeo page available:
> 1 Be geospatial:
> 2 done: Project page on osgeo website:
> https://www.osgeo.org/projects/torchgeo
> 2 Have a free license or an open source license
> 2 done: "I added a CONTRIBUTING.md and fixed a few files that were missing
> the license header. Everything should be in compliance now."
> I think that covers it I will make a motion for the group here to double
> check and ask questions.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Dec 11, 2023 at 9:41:23 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Adam,
>> Thanks for contacting the incubation committee it is good to hear from
>> you, I really appreciate how organized you have been in your application.
>> You appear very well informed on our requirements (which is much
>> appreciated).
>> Looking at our first checklist to be added to the website:
>>    1. Done: Be Geospatial:
>>    https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/blob/main/README.md
>>    2. Done: Have a free license or open source license:
>>    https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/blob/main/LICENSE (MIT)
>>    3. Done: Welcome participation and new contributors.
>>    https://torchgeo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/contributing.html
>>    1. You may still wish to add a CONTRIBUTING.md linking to this page;
>>       as GitHub will show the contents of this file to potential contributors.
>> With that in mind can I ask you to setup an OSGeo UserID
>> <https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/create> (if you have not done so already) and
>> login to the website creating a members profile
>> <https://www.osgeo.org/community/members/>. Reply to this message with
>> your userID and I can give you permission to make a project page.
>> While we wait we can look at the second checklist:
>>    1. Be gospatial
>>       1. Done: README
>>       2. Pending: Project page on osgeo website
>>       3. Done: User documentation:
>>       https://torchgeo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/getting_started.html
>>          1. The user docs heading covered installation and contributing
>>          (not so much use, the tutorials are more what we are looking for - showing
>>          how a normal GIS Professional (or GIS Developer in this case) can use your
>>          project
>>       2. Have a free license or an open source license.
>>    1. Done: License
>>       2. Pending: We ask that the project team check the file headers
>>       and double check the license has been appropriately applied
>>          1. You may feel comfortable making this statement already?
>>          Although I did not see any files with out a header, it is more about asking
>>          you to check and confirm on behalf of your team
>>          2. I note your use of a CLA and a contirbution bot - cool 🙂
>>       3. Welcome participation and new contributors.
>>    1. Done: Clean contribution policy
>>       2. Done: I can see a large number of closed pull requests, and
>>       collaborators page shows a number of actors
>>       3. Done: Code of conduct:
>>       https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
>> As a volunteer run committee we are struggling with a lack of engagement
>> (especially difficult over the seasonal holidays).  Thank you for making
>> this as easy as possible thus far.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Dec 1, 2023 at 3:52:12 AM, Adam Stewart via Incubator <
>> incubator at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My name is Adam Stewart. I'm a geospatial ML researcher
>>> <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IQ19q4AAAAAJ> and passionate open-source
>>> developer <https://github.com/adamjstewart>. I earned my B.S. in
>>> Science of Earth Systems at Cornell and my Ph.D. in Computer Science at
>>> UIUC, and currently work as a postdoc at TUM with a focus on machine
>>> learning for Earth observation. I created TorchGeo
>>> <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo>, and also help maintain the
>>> R-tree <https://github.com/Toblerity/rtree> library and Spack
>>> <https://github.com/spack/spack> package manager. I've contributed to
>>> most geospatial libraries, including GDAL
>>> <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues?q=author:adamjstewart>, rasterio
>>> <https://github.com/rasterio/rasterio/issues?q=author:adamjstewart>,
>>> and R-tree
>>> <https://github.com/Toblerity/rtree/issues?q=author:adamjstewart>, and
>>> maintain all geospatial build recipes in the Spack package manager.
>>> I'm reaching out to you today to express interest in having TorchGeo
>>> <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo> join the OSGeo Foundation.
>>> TorchGeo is a PyTorch domain library for machine learning with geospatial
>>> data, especially remote sensing data. TorchGeo started as an internship
>>> project at the Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab and developed into my
>>> thesis dissertation with an active community of contributors from around
>>> the world. It builds on top of GDAL (via rasterio and fiona) and PyTorch to
>>> make it easy to work with any kind of geospatial data in a machine learning
>>> workflow. Data can be automatically reprojected and resampled to a common
>>> CRS and resolution, making it easy for machine learning researchers without
>>> geospatial skills to work with satellite imagery.
>>> Some statistics:
>>>    - Stars: 2K
>>>    - Forks: 240
>>>    - Contributors: 55
>>>    - Maintainers: 5 with merge privileges (CC'ed)
>>>    - PyPI downloads:
>>>       - Last week: 4.4K
>>>       - Last month: 22K
>>>       - All time: 150K
>>>    - GitHub topics (ranked by number of stars):
>>>       - Earth observation: #4
>>>       - Satellite imagery: #4
>>>       - Remote sensing: #7
>>>       - Geospatial: #21
>>> I believe we already meet most of the criteria for the highest level of
>>> membership in OSGeo:
>>>    - Geospatial: yes
>>>    - License: MIT
>>>    <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/blob/main/LICENSE>, including
>>>    file headers
>>>    - Contributions: 55 contributors and counting, contribution guide
>>>    <https://torchgeo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/contributing.html>
>>>    - Code of conduct: yes
>>>    <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md>
>>>    - Community: active Slack workspace
>>>    <https://join.slack.com/t/torchgeo/shared_invite/zt-22rse667m-eqtCeNW0yI000Tl4B~2PIw>
>>>    - Users and contributors from both industry (Microsoft, Intel, Meta,
>>>    IBM, Amazon) and academia (TUM, EPFL, ETH Zurich, Cambridge, Oxford,
>>>    Stanford, Berkeley, CMU, MIT, U Washington)
>>>    - GitHub: issue tracker
>>>    <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/issues>
>>>    - Documentation: readthedocs
>>>    <https://torchgeo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>
>>>    - Release procedure: wiki
>>>    <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/wiki/Releasing-Instructions>
>>>    - CI: GitHub Actions
>>>    <https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/tree/main/.github/workflows>
>>>     with 100% test coverage <https://codecov.io/gh/microsoft/torchgeo>
>>> We already have 10 stable releases and it's easy to install TorchGeo
>>> using pip, conda, or spack.
>>> We think membership in the OSGeo Foundation would be beneficial to us in
>>> a number of ways. OSGeo represents the gold standard of open source
>>> software development in the geospatial community, and we would love your
>>> expertise to suggest ways we can grow our community of contributors. We
>>> would love to have tighter integration with other OSGeo projects like GDAL,
>>> working together to improve data loading performance. OSGeo provides a
>>> great opportunity to advertise our project on your website (and your
>>> foundation on our GitHub). We also have aspirations to present TorchGeo
>>> tutorials at as many remote sensing and machine learning conferences as
>>> possible, and could use funding to support travel for presenters.
>>> Please let us know if TorchGeo fits your requirements for joining the
>>> OSGeo Foundation and how we can join. We would be interested in the highest
>>> level of membership possible, but are also happy to start off as a member
>>> of the OSGeo community and work our way up to OSGeo project or incubation.
>>> *Dr. Adam J. Stewart*
>>> Technical University of Munich
>>> School of Engineering and Design
>>> Data Science in Earth Observation
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