[Incubator] geOrchestra project incubation - step 1

François Van Der Biest francois.vanderbiest at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 09:19:08 PDT 2024

Dear Incubation committee,

Acting on behalf of the geOrchestra PSC, I would like to ask permission to
list the geOrchestra project on the OSGeo website in order to share our
work with more people.
This is a first step towards full graduation (hopefully) :-)

geOrchestra is a Spatial Data Infrastructure project whose founding
characteristics are: free, modular, interoperable. This project is
community driven from the beginning (2009).
It is built on top of GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoNetwork, MapStore, etc and
provides a SSO through CAS and/or a gateway component.

The repository is located here: https://github.com/georchestra/georchestra and
released under the GPL v3 license.
More repositories can be found on https://github.com/georchestra and
provide either deployment facilities (ansible, docker, helm charts) or
additional, optional components / utilities (cadastre application, sdi
consistency check application, etc) and of course our website (
There's also a repository for our public manifesto (
https://github.com/georchestra/manifest) and another one to host
geOrchestra Improvement Proposals (

My OSGeo userid is "fvanderbiest" and I will need permission to create a
project page.

Thanks a lot !

François, for the geOrchestra PSC (https://www.georchestra.org/project.html)
- CCed.

PS: this is my second attempt to reach the incubation committee - first
attempt failed because I was not subscribed to the list and the rejection
email was placed in the spam folder. Maybe the doc should make it clear
that sending an email requires registration first.
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