[Java-collab] JUMP Lib and GeoScript

Justin Deoliveira jdeolive at opengeo.org
Fri Oct 5 17:19:11 PDT 2012

Hey Landon,

A java geoscript implementation has been an idea that has floated around.
The idea behind geoscript is to provide a higher level api for geotools
that is much easier to use and focused purely on convenience for
scripting languages. The same could certainly apply to straight java as

I admit I am not up to the latest on how OpenJUMP and geotools fit
together. Does OpenJUMP utilize geotools in any way?

Anyways, certainly interested in continuing the conversation.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Landon Blake
<sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>wrote:

> I recently posted a message to the OpenJUMP and deegree Project
> mailing lists about organizing an effort to extract core parts of
> OpenJUMP (especially the simple feature model) into a stand alone
> library called JUMP Lib. (My original message is here:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CALJ1OBUVo3AtKykAP6MqX%2BuO5d--pMDZdFq0cFPizJ2HZoJSCw%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=jump-pilot-devel
> ).
> Jody Garnett was listening in. He mentioned the simple feature model
> in OpenJUMP was fairly close to the one in GeoScript, and suggested
> that GeoScript would benefit from a Java implementation of its API. I
> know very little about LocationTech, but with Jody's encouragement I'm
> trying to explore common ground and opportunities for collaboration.
> I posted a message on this topic to the LocationTech mailing list, but
> I wanted to post here as well. I'm trying to avoid doing a bunch of
> independent work before I talk to potential collaborators.
> Thanks.
> Landon
> PS - My message to Jody about the challenges to this approach,
> including the use of wrappers, is here:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=29929818
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Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Enterprise support for open source geospatial.
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