[OSGeo-Jobs] Fwd: Software Engineer GIS (Bozen, Italy)

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 16 06:32:20 EST 2012


- GRASS GIS, PostgreSQL, Web, OGC ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <technology.development at eurac.edu>
Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Software Engineer GIS (Bozen, Italy)
To: SJD-GEO at listserv.uni-heidelberg.de

SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)
The EURAC Service Department of Technology Development is looking for a

Software Engineer, GIS (m/f)

to be employed in a young and dynamic team working on Geo-Informatics
and -applications.

The main foreseen activities are:

• Software development
• Software reengineering
• Follow well known Software development methodologies and processes
•       Development of GIS applications (Geographic Information Systems)
• Conception, design and development of WebGIS applications
• Modeling and administration of Spatial-Databases

We expect the following competences and expertise:
• Degree in computer science, informatics, geo-informatics or similar
• Profound knowledge in the following programming languages: Java,
C/C++, PHP, JavaScript
• Good knowledge of Web Technologies: SOAP, HTML, CSS, Ajax, JQuery
• Basic knowledge of Linux System and shell scripting
• Experience with SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure), especially OGC
(Open Geospatial Consortium) compliant Web Services (WMS, WFS, WCS,
GML, SLD) and applications (GeoServer, GeoNetwork)
• Experience with GIS (Geographics Information Systems) applications (Grass)
• Good experience with PostgreSQL database and PostGIS extension
• Experience with Apache Tomcat and Apache WebServer is welcome
• Good analytical and architectural design skills
• Good communicative and interaction skills
• Autonomous working skills as well as ability to work in a team
• Ability to appear friendly and self-confident
• Good knowledge of German or Italian, English, written and spoken

Apply now!
If you are interested in a varied and ambitious career do not hesitate
to apply! Submit per e-mail your application (detailed CV, indication
of expected salary) to technology.development at eurac.edu within 20th
March 2012.
The contact person is Ms. Silvia Maltauro, Tel. 0471 055370, Fax 0471 055389.

Please add the following phrase to you CV otherwise your application
will not be considered:
“I consent to the use of my personal data in accordance with the
provisions of decree 196/2003.”



European Academy of Bolzano
technology.development at eurac.edu
Technology Development
Bozen, Italy

Ansprechpartner: Silvia Maltauro


* science-jobs-de sublist: SJD-GEO

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