[Landsat-pds] Tiling + additional scenes

Peter Becker pbecker at esri.com
Fri Mar 6 08:50:19 PST 2015

I did a number of additional tests on these files. They all look good. I would suggest we proceed with the conversion.
I had mentioned a potential concern with Predictor 2 being slower, but I checked and found that this is not the case.

Can you look to start processes to convert the previous images that are currently not tiled.

I will also send you in a separate mail a list of about 53,000 scenes. These are the best approx 5 scenes for each path row. Including this data will ensure the Landsat-pds includes good scenes for all locations. If we don’t include this list, then many areas including US and Europe will have limited value since they will all just be snow and heavy cloud. I would actually put this is a priority over converting the existing scenes.


From: fwarmerdam at gmail.com [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 12:52 AM
To: Peter Becker
Cc: landsat-pds at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Landsat-pds] Tiling + additional scenes

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Peter Becker <pbecker at esri.com<mailto:pbecker at esri.com>> wrote:
This all looks good.
I had an initial concern about the capitalization of some of the names, since S3 is case sensitive, but these appear to be how USGS names them, so we are good.
The tiling for is correctly set to 512 and the overviews work well.
Thanks for setting this up.
Need to discuss with you how best to scale up the conversion of the existing as well as get the list of older scenes converted. I have a list of the ‘best’ 5 prior to 2015/1/1. Will look to have someone here review the system you set up. Not clear to me what EC2 instances you are using for the current scripts.


The scripts are currently running on a "worker" system operated by Planet Labs on Amazon.  The exact way I run the scripts is a bit ideosyncratric to to us.  The only thing that isn't in the public repo at the low level is a script that reads all the tarq files and fires off a separate l8_process_scene.py job for each.  The l8_process_run.py (and l8_process_scene.py) I use are the normal versions.

I could just run all the existing scene reprocessings on our job system, but I guess I am a bit uncertain if I am just going to have to do it again soon if we make other changes.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com<mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com>
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