[Landsat-pds] USGS Landsat S3 bucket

Robert Waterman RWaterman at esri.com
Wed Jun 16 08:47:50 PDT 2021

Hi Amit,

Thanks for clarifying.  Our team is working diligently to transition all of our Landsat 8 image services off the landsat-pds bucket and onto the USGS bucket.  I just wanted to clarify the note from Joe in order to determine whether or not this provided a potential contingency plan.

The daily updates, in order to have the latest available Landsat 8 imagery, is one of the key requirements for users of the services we host.  Without daily updates, having extended access to landsat-pds is of less value for us.  Hopefully this is a non-issue for us as I believe we are on target to complete the transition per the original timeline (before July 1st).


Robert Waterman | Product Engineering Lead | Living Atlas<https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/> | he/him

From: Amit Kapadia <amit at planet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 1:30 PM
To: Robert Waterman <RWaterman at esri.com>
Cc: Flasher, Joe <jflasher at amazon.com>; landsat-pds at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Landsat-pds] USGS Landsat S3 bucket

Hi Rob,

Currently the plan is to stop updating the landsat-pds bucket at the start of July. Can you expand on your needs regarding this bucket?


On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 4:35 PM Robert Waterman <RWaterman at esri.com<mailto:RWaterman at esri.com>> wrote:
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the note.  We are in the middle of transitioning our existing Collection 1 Level-1 services to the USGS Collection 2 bucket.  Can you (or someone) clarify whether the current landsat-pds bucket will continue to see daily updates beyond June and until the USGS stops making Collection 1 available, or will updates to the landsat-pds bucket stop in early July when the switch to Requester Pays occurs?


Robert Waterman | Product Engineering Lead | Living Atlas<https://livingatlas.arcgis.com/> | he/him

From: Landsat-pds <landsat-pds-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:landsat-pds-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> On Behalf Of Flasher, Joe
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 8:22 AM
To: landsat-pds at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:landsat-pds at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Landsat-pds] USGS Landsat S3 bucket

Hi all, as we approach July 1st, I wanted to resurface the message I originally posted on 12/11/2020, referencing the deletion of the landsat-pds bucket in favor of the USGS-owned Landsat data bucket. You can find that message in full at https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/landsat-pds/2020-December/000178.html [lists.osgeo.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/landsat-pds/2020-December/000178.html__;!!CKZwjTOV!gUn4wJ65klfOsgdX1dI2LYYetWckH_3AhF2M7KybdUzg_DodeV5a7rhQfjWW8A$>.

To recap, since there is now an S3 bucket with Collection 2 data, the full archive and owned directly by USGS, we deprecated the existing landsat-pds bucket with a 6 month timeline.

To make this a bit ‘softer’ of a deprecation, and to try and minimize the community impact, we will be marking the landsat-pds bucket Requester Pays (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/RequesterPaysBuckets.html [docs.aws.amazon.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/RequesterPaysBuckets.html__;!!CKZwjTOV!gUn4wJ65klfOsgdX1dI2LYYetWckH_3AhF2M7KybdUzg_DodeV5a7rhvyEg98g$>) in early July. Users need to explicitly pass a Requester Pays flag before they accrue any unexpected charges so rather than suddenly charging people, this will actually just return an error if a user is still using the landsat-pds bucket. The reasoning for doing this rather than an actual deletion right away is that if users cannot immediately switching over to the USGS-owned bucket, they can accept the data request/egress charges and their code will continue to work. This is just a stopgap to potentially help some in the community and the landsat-pds bucket is still slated for deletion. If there are any major concerns about this switch to RP as a stopgap, please let me know.

Thanks all!

Joe Flasher

Amazon Web Services - Open Data Lead
https://opendata.aws [opendata.aws]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/opendata.aws__;!!CKZwjTOV!gUn4wJ65klfOsgdX1dI2LYYetWckH_3AhF2M7KybdUzg_DodeV5a7rhTfKisOQ$>

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