[Liblas-commits] hg: add support for setting scales/offsets
liblas-commits at liblas.org
liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Aug 10 11:01:28 EDT 2010
changeset b8eca9d978c9 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=b8eca9d978c9
summary: add support for setting scales/offsets
apps/las2las2.cpp | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diffs (truncated from 321 to 300 lines):
diff -r 6a6ee5406bd3 -r b8eca9d978c9 apps/las2las2.cpp
--- a/apps/las2las2.cpp Tue Aug 10 09:07:08 2010 -0500
+++ b/apps/las2las2.cpp Tue Aug 10 10:01:20 2010 -0500
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
bool process( std::string const& input,
std::string const& output,
+ liblas::Header const& header,
std::vector<liblas::FilterI*>& filters,
std::vector<liblas::TransformI*>& transforms,
uint32_t split_size,
@@ -211,16 +212,16 @@
std::string out = output;
liblas::Writer* writer = 0;
if (!split_size) {
- writer = start_writer(ofs, output, reader.GetHeader());
+ writer = start_writer(ofs, output, header);
} else {
string::size_type dot_pos = output.find_first_of(".");
out = output.substr(0, dot_pos);
- writer = start_writer(ofs, out+"-1"+".las", reader.GetHeader());
+ writer = start_writer(ofs, out+"-1"+".las", header);
if (verbose)
- std::cout << "Target:"
+ std::cout << "Writing output:"
<< "\n - : " << output
<< std::endl;
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@
// Translation of points cloud to features set
boost::uint32_t i = 0;
- boost::uint32_t const size = reader.GetHeader().GetPointRecordsCount();
+ boost::uint32_t const size = header.GetPointRecordsCount();
boost::int32_t split_bytes_count = 1024*1024*split_size;
int fileno = 2;
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@
term_progress(std::cout, (i + 1) / static_cast<double>(size));
- split_bytes_count = split_bytes_count - reader.GetHeader().GetSchema().GetByteSize();
+ split_bytes_count = split_bytes_count - header.GetSchema().GetByteSize();
if (split_bytes_count < 0 && split_size > 0) {
// The user specifies a split size in mb, and we keep counting
// down until we've written that many points into the file.
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
ostringstream oss;
oss << out << "-"<< fileno <<".las";
- writer = start_writer(ofs, oss.str(), reader.GetHeader());
+ writer = start_writer(ofs, oss.str(), header);
split_bytes_count = 1024*1024*split_size;
@@ -288,6 +289,7 @@
std::vector<liblas::FilterI*> filters;
std::vector<liblas::TransformI*> transforms;
+ liblas::Header header;
try {
@@ -307,8 +309,8 @@
("thin,t", po::value<uint32_t>(&thin)->default_value(0), "Simple decimation-style thinning.\nThin the file by removing every t'th point from the file.")
("last_return_only", po::value<bool>(&last_return_only)->zero_tokens(), "Keep last returns (cannot be used with --first_return_only)")
("first_return_only", po::value<bool>(&first_return_only)->zero_tokens(), "Keep first returns (cannot be used with --last_return_only")
- ("keep-returns", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of return numbers to keep in the output file: \n--keep-returns 1\nUse --last_return_only ")
- ("drop-returns", po::value< string >(), "Return numbers to drop.\nUse a comma-separated list, for example, --drop-returns 2,3,4,5\nUse --last_return_only or --first_return_only if you want to ensure getting either one of these.")
+ ("keep-returns", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of return numbers to keep in the output file: \n--keep-returns 1,2,3")
+ ("drop-returns", po::value< string >(), "Return numbers to drop.\nUse a comma-separated list, for example, --drop-returns 2,3,4,5")
("valid_only", po::value<bool>(&valid_only)->zero_tokens(), "Keep only valid points")
("keep-intensity", po::value< string >(), "Range in which to keep intensity.\nThe following expression types are supported: \n--keep-intensity 0-100 \n--keep-intensity <200 \n--keep-intensity >400 \n--keep-intensity >=200")
("drop-intensity", po::value< string >(), "Range in which to drop intensity.\nThe following expression types are supported: \n--drop-intensity <200 \n--drop-intensity >400 \n--drop-intensity >=200")
@@ -317,6 +319,8 @@
("verbose,v", po::value<bool>(&verbose)->zero_tokens(), "Keep only valid points")
("a_srs", po::value< string >(), "Coordinate system to assign to input LAS file")
("t_srs", po::value< string >(), "Coordinate system to reproject output LAS file to. Use --a_srs or verify that your input LAS file has a coordinate system according to lasinfo")
+ ("offset", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of offsets to set on the output file: \n--offset 0,0,0 \n--offset min,min,min\n ")
+ ("scale", po::value< string >(), "A comma-separated list of scales to set on the output file: \n--scale 0.1,0.1,0.00001\n ")
@@ -337,6 +341,16 @@
if (vm.count("input"))
input = vm["input"].as< string >();
+ std::ifstream ifs;
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Opening " << input << " to fetch Header" << std::endl;
+ if (!liblas::Open(ifs, input.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot open " << input << "for read. Exiting...";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ liblas::Reader reader(ifs);
+ header = reader.GetHeader();
} else {
std::cerr << "Input LAS file not specified!\n" << desc << "\n";
return 1;
@@ -344,23 +358,32 @@
if (vm.count("keep-classes"))
- std::string returns = vm["keep-classes"].as< string >();
- liblas::FilterI* return_filter = MakeClassFilter( returns,
- liblas::FilterI::eInclusion);
- filters.push_back(return_filter);
+ std::string classes = vm["keep-classes"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Keeping classes with the values: " << classes << std::endl;
+ liblas::FilterI* class_filter = MakeClassFilter( classes,
+ liblas::FilterI::eInclusion);
+ filters.push_back(class_filter);
if (vm.count("drop-classes"))
- std::string returns = vm["drop-classes"].as< string >();
- liblas::FilterI* return_filter = MakeClassFilter( returns,
+ std::string classes = vm["drop-classes"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Dropping classes with the values: " << classes << std::endl;
+ liblas::FilterI* class_filter = MakeClassFilter( classes,
- filters.push_back(return_filter);
+ filters.push_back(class_filter);
if (vm.count("keep-returns"))
std::string returns = vm["keep-returns"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Keeping returns with the values: " << returns << std::endl;
liblas::FilterI* return_filter = MakeReturnFilter( returns,
@@ -369,6 +392,9 @@
if (vm.count("drop-returns"))
std::string returns = vm["drop-returns"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Dropping returns with the values: " << returns << std::endl;
liblas::FilterI* return_filter = MakeReturnFilter( returns,
@@ -377,6 +403,8 @@
if (vm.count("extent"))
std::string bounds = vm["extent"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Clipping file to the extent : " << bounds << std::endl;
liblas::FilterI* bounds_filter = MakeBoundsFilter(bounds, liblas::FilterI::eInclusion);
@@ -384,6 +412,8 @@
if (vm.count("keep-intensity"))
std::string intensities = vm["keep-intensity"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Keeping intensities with values: " << intensities << std::endl;
if (IsDualRangeFilter(intensities)) {
// We need to make two filters
// Given a range 0-200, split the expression into two filters
@@ -404,6 +434,9 @@
if (vm.count("drop-intensity"))
std::string intensities = vm["drop-intensity"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Dropping intensities with values: " << intensities << std::endl;
if (IsDualRangeFilter(intensities)) {
std::cerr << "Range filters are not supported for drop-intensity" << std::endl;
@@ -415,6 +448,8 @@
if (vm.count("keep-time"))
std::string times = vm["keep-time"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Keeping times with values: " << times << std::endl;
if (IsDualRangeFilter(times)) {
// We need to make two filters
// Given a range 0-200, split the expression into two filters
@@ -435,6 +470,9 @@
if (vm.count("drop-time"))
std::string times = vm["drop-time"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Dropping times with values: " << times << std::endl;
if (IsDualRangeFilter(times)) {
std::cerr << "Range filters are not supported for drop-time" << std::endl;
@@ -444,40 +482,97 @@
+ if (vm.count("a_srs"))
+ {
+ liblas::SpatialReference in_ref;
+ std::string input_srs = vm["a_srs"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Setting input SRS to " << input_srs << std::endl;
+ in_ref.SetFromUserInput(input_srs);
+ header.SetSRS(in_ref);
+ }
if (vm.count("t_srs"))
liblas::SpatialReference in_ref;
liblas::SpatialReference out_ref;
std::string output_srs = vm["t_srs"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Setting output SRS to " << output_srs << std::endl;
if (vm.count("a_srs")){
std::string input_srs = vm["a_srs"].as< string >();
} else {
- // If the user didn't assign an input SRS, we'll read the
- // file and fetch it from there.
- std::ifstream ifs;
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "Opening " << input << " to fetch SRS" << std::endl;
- if (!liblas::Open(ifs, input.c_str()))
- {
- std::cerr << "Cannot open " << input << "for read. Exiting...";
- return 1;
- }
- liblas::Reader reader(ifs);
- in_ref = reader.GetHeader().GetSRS();
+ // If the user didn't assign an input SRS, we'll try to take
+ // it from our existing header.
+ in_ref = header.GetSRS();
if (in_ref.GetVLRs().size() == 0)
std::cerr << "No input SRS is available on the file you have specified. Please use --a_srs to assign one" << std::endl;
return 1;
+ // Set the header's SRS to the output SRS now. We've already
+ // made the transformation, and this SRS will be used to
+ // write the new file(s)
+ header.SetSRS(out_ref);
liblas::TransformI* srs_transform = new liblas::ReprojectionTransform(in_ref, out_ref);
+ if (vm.count("offset"))
+ {
+ std::string offset_string = vm["offset"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Setting offsets to: " << offset_string << std::endl;
+ boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
+ std::vector<double> offsets;
+ tokenizer tokens(offset_string, sep);
+ bool mins = false;
+ std::string m("min");
+ for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
+ // Check if the user set --offset min,min,min
+ // FIXME: make this so the user could do --offset min,min,20.00
+ if (!(*t).compare(m))
+ {
+ mins = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mins = false;
+ offsets.push_back(atof((*t).c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (offsets.size() != 3)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "All three values for setting the offset must be floats"<< std::endl;
+ return (1);
+ }
+ header.SetOffset(offsets[0], offsets[1], offsets[2]);
+ }
+ if (vm.count("scale"))
+ {
+ std::string scale_string = vm["scale"].as< string >();
+ if (verbose)
+ std::cout << "Setting scales to: " << scale_string << std::endl;
+ boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS);
+ std::vector<double> scales;
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