[Liblas-commits] hg: consolidate Dimension into a single class, start on PTree

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Wed Sep 1 22:13:22 EDT 2010

changeset 36376dc3620d in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=36376dc3620d
summary: consolidate Dimension into a single class, start on PTree


 apps/las2las2.cpp            |    1 +
 include/liblas/lasheader.hpp |    2 -
 include/liblas/lasreader.hpp |    2 +
 include/liblas/lasschema.hpp |  105 ++++++---------
 src/lasschema.cpp            |  285 +++++++++++-------------------------------
 5 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 645 to 300 lines):

diff -r 1a800948d1ca -r 36376dc3620d apps/las2las2.cpp
--- a/apps/las2las2.cpp	Wed Sep 01 09:44:06 2010 -0500
+++ b/apps/las2las2.cpp	Wed Sep 01 21:13:08 2010 -0500
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
     liblas::property_tree::write_xml("junk.xml", top);
+    liblas::property_tree::write_xml("schema.xml", reader.GetHeader().GetSchema().GetPTree());
     delete writer;
     delete ofs;
diff -r 1a800948d1ca -r 36376dc3620d include/liblas/lasheader.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasheader.hpp	Wed Sep 01 09:44:06 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasheader.hpp	Wed Sep 01 21:13:08 2010 -0500
@@ -393,8 +393,6 @@
     boost::uint16_t m_headerSize;
     boost::uint32_t m_dataOffset;
     boost::uint32_t m_recordsCount;
-    // PointFormatName m_dataFormatId;
-    // boost::uint16_t m_dataRecordLen;
     boost::uint32_t m_pointRecordsCount;
     RecordsByReturnArray m_pointRecordsByReturn;
     PointScales m_scales;
diff -r 1a800948d1ca -r 36376dc3620d include/liblas/lasreader.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasreader.hpp	Wed Sep 01 09:44:06 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasreader.hpp	Wed Sep 01 21:13:08 2010 -0500
@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@
     /// the internal transform creation
     void SetTransforms(std::vector<liblas::TransformPtr> const& transforms) {m_transforms = transforms;}
+    /// Summarize the file represented by the reader in the form of a 
+    /// property_tree.  
     liblas::property_tree::ptree Summarize();
diff -r 1a800948d1ca -r 36376dc3620d include/liblas/lasschema.hpp
--- a/include/liblas/lasschema.hpp	Wed Sep 01 09:44:06 2010 -0500
+++ b/include/liblas/lasschema.hpp	Wed Sep 01 21:13:08 2010 -0500
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #include <liblas/lasversion.hpp>
+#include <liblas/external/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
 // boost
 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
 #include <boost/any.hpp>
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
     // Schema();
     Schema(PointFormatName data_format_id);
+    Schema(VariableRecord const& vlr);
     Schema& operator=(Schema const& rhs);
     Schema(Schema const& other);
     ~Schema() {};
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
     std::vector<std::string> GetDimensionNames() const;
+    liblas::property_tree::ptree GetPTree() const;
     boost::uint16_t m_size;
@@ -102,11 +104,8 @@
     std::vector<DimensionPtr> m_dimensions;    
     void add_record0_dimensions();
     void add_time();
     void add_color();
@@ -119,7 +118,15 @@
     DimensionI(std::string const& name, boost::uint32_t size_in_bits) : 
-        m_bitsize(size_in_bits) 
+        m_bitsize(size_in_bits),
+        m_required(false),
+        m_active(false),
+        m_description(std::string("")),
+        m_min(0),
+        m_max(0),
+        m_numeric(false),
+        m_signed(false),
+        m_integer(false)
     virtual ~DimensionI() {};
@@ -142,14 +149,39 @@
     bool IsRequired() const { return m_required; }
     void IsRequired(bool v) { m_required = v; }
+    /// Is this dimension being used.  A dimension with 
+    /// IsActive false may exist as a placeholder in PointFormatName-specified
+    /// dimensions, but have their IsActive flag set to false.  In this 
+    /// case, those values may be disregarded.
     bool IsActive() const { return m_active; }
     void IsActive(bool v) { m_active = v; }
     std::string GetDescription() const { return m_description; }
     void SetDescription(std::string const& v) { m_description = v; }
+    /// Is this dimension a numeric dimension.  Dimensions with IsNumeric == false
+    /// are considered generic bit/byte fields/
+    bool IsNumeric() const { return m_numeric ; }
+    void IsNumeric(bool v) { m_numeric = v; }
+    /// Does this dimension have a sign?  Only applicable to dimensions with 
+    /// IsNumeric == true.
+    bool IsSigned() const { return m_signed; }
+    void IsSigned(bool v) { m_signed = v; }
+    /// Does this dimension interpret to an integer?  Only applicable to dimensions 
+    /// with IsNumeric == true.
+    bool IsInteger() const { return m_integer; }
+    void IsInteger(bool v) { m_integer = v; }
+    /// The minimum value of this dimension as a double
+    double GetMinimum() { return m_min; }
+    void SetMinimum(double min) { m_min = min; }
+    /// The maximum value of this dimension as a double
+    double GetMaximum() { return m_max; }
+    void SetMaximum(double max) { m_max = max; }
     std::string m_name;
@@ -157,64 +189,13 @@
     bool m_required;
     bool m_active;
     std::string m_description;
+    double m_min;
+    double m_max;
+    bool m_numeric;
+    bool m_signed;
+    bool m_integer;
-template <typename T>
-class NumericDimension : public DimensionI
-    NumericDimension(std::string const& name, 
-                     T type, 
-                     boost::uint32_t size_in_bits ) : 
-        DimensionI(name, size_in_bits),
-        m_min(std::numeric_limits<T>::min()),
-        m_max(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()),
-        m_type(type)
-    {
-    };
-    NumericDimension& operator=(NumericDimension const& rhs);
-    NumericDimension(DimensionI const& other);
-    ~NumericDimension() {};
-    T const& GetMin() { return m_min; }
-    void SetMax(T const& max) { m_max = max; }
-    T const& GetMax() { return m_max; }
-    void SetMin(T const& min) { m_min = min; }
-    T m_min;
-    T m_max;
-    T m_type;
-class ByteDimension : public DimensionI
-    ByteDimension(std::string const& name, 
-                     boost::uint32_t size_in_bits ) : 
-        DimensionI(name, size_in_bits)
-    {
-    };
-    ByteDimension& operator=(ByteDimension const& rhs);
-    ByteDimension(DimensionI const& other);
 } // namespace liblas
diff -r 1a800948d1ca -r 36376dc3620d src/lasschema.cpp
--- a/src/lasschema.cpp	Wed Sep 01 09:44:06 2010 -0500
+++ b/src/lasschema.cpp	Wed Sep 01 21:13:08 2010 -0500
@@ -51,181 +51,6 @@
 namespace liblas { 
-// void Schema::updatesize(boost::uint16_t new_size) {
-//     // if the difference between the new size we're given 
-//     // and our existing size is 0, do nothing.
-//     if ((new_size - m_size) != 0)
-//     {
-//         // Use the larger of either our base size (accounting for 
-//         // color, time, etc) and the size we were given.
-//         m_size = std::max(new_size, m_base_size);
-//     }    
-// }
-// boost::uint16_t Schema::calculate_base_size() {
-//     boost::uint16_t new_base_size = sizeof(detail::PointRecord);
-//     if (HasColor()) {
-//         new_base_size += 3 * sizeof(boost::uint16_t);
-//     }
-//     if (HasTime()) {
-//         new_base_size += sizeof(double);
-//     }
-//     return new_base_size;
-// }
-// void Schema::updatesize() {
-//     boost::uint16_t new_base_size = calculate_base_size();
-//     // Set to the base if we haven't set it at all yet
-//     if (m_size == 0) {
-//         m_size = new_base_size;
-//         m_base_size = new_base_size;
-//     }
-//     // Expand or contract the size based on our old difference
-//     else {
-//         long base_difference = m_base_size - new_base_size;
-//         if (base_difference == 0) {
-//             return;
-//         }
-//         else if (base_difference > 0) {
-//             // Expand m_size to include new_base_size
-//             m_size = m_size + static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(base_difference);
-//             m_base_size = new_base_size;
-//         }
-//         else {
-//             m_size = m_size - static_cast<boost::uint16_t>(base_difference);
-//             m_base_size = new_base_size;
-//         }
-//     }
-// }
-// Schema::Schema( boost::uint8_t major, 
-//                 boost::uint8_t minor, 
-//                 boost::uint16_t size) :
-//     m_size(size),
-//     m_versionminor(minor), 
-//     m_versionmajor(major),
-//     m_hasColor(false),
-//     m_hasTime(false),
-//     m_base_size(0)
-// {
-//     updatesize();
-// }
-// Schema::Schema( boost::uint8_t major, 
-//                 boost::uint8_t minor, 
-//                 boost::uint16_t size,
-//                 bool bColor,
-//                 bool bTime) :
-//     m_size(size),
-//     m_versionminor(minor), 
-//     m_versionmajor(major),
-//     m_hasColor(bColor),
-//     m_hasTime(bTime),
-//     m_base_size(0)
-// {
-//     updatesize();
-// }
-// // copy constructor
-// Schema::Schema(Schema const& other) :

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