[Liblas-devel] Does las2txt support -first_only and -last_only options?

Roberto Antolín rantolin at stereocarto.com
Fri Aug 8 07:22:25 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Roberto Antolín escribió:

>>> las2txt -i 'las_file' -o 'first_text_file' --parse xyznr --first_only
>>> without any parsing error message and without a correct 
>>> first_text_file either.
> Maybe it is necessary to get a parsing error here as well as for other 
> not allowed options, and then exit. It would avoid some headaches.

Here there is a diff file solving this for las2txt, las2las, txt2las, 
lasinfo and lasmerge commands. Now, typing not permitted parameters will 
make those commands to exit on error. I've done a few tests and it works 
for me. Deeper tests could be done though.

You can add it to svn repository if you want but "attribution" within 
svn comments would be appreciated ;).


Dr. Roberto Antolín Sánchez
Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo

Stereocarto S.L.
Paseo de la Habana 200
28036 - MADRID, Spain
Telf: +34 91 343 19 40 - FAX: +34 91 343 19 41

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