[Liblas-devel] .net/mono bindings in c#

Martin Rodriguez mrodriguez at stereocarto.com
Tue Aug 12 03:04:41 EDT 2008


> Change the simple password please to yours :-)

Done thank you mateus.

Several questions:

	-what kind of thing are for tickets and what kind of things are for
the mail list???
	- I try create a tutorial in c# but trac don´t recognize the c#
syntax. I try use it like cpp syntax, but it´doesn´t work either,...
	- In my job I work in windows and therefore I work with TortoiseSVN.
Any ideas to my first commit in the server without broke your job hehe. I
only want work in the csharp folder in the svn... . I know use svn in google
code in my localhost computer. My idea is check in the hole svn source trunk
and after only commmit my source code in the csharp folder. 
	- Yesterday I compile the source code in linux, but I see different
names in linux and windows for shared libraries. Any reasons for that???. If
the names are the same I could use the shame dotnet libraries in both
operating systems. For me would be great something like library1.1.dll for
windows and  library1.1.so for linux.
	- Any ideas for my dotnet libraries names and versioning???.
	- Any ideas for my MINGW libraries names and versioning???.


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