[Liblas-devel] .net/mono bindings in c#

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Aug 13 14:13:59 EDT 2008

Martin Rodriguez wrote:
> Several questions:
> - what kind of thing are for tickets and what kind of things are for
> the mail list???

I'd suggest to submit tickets for:
- bug reports
- big motions in the sources, like addition of new bindings to scripting
- feature requests
- suggestions of improvements

> - I try create a tutorial in c# but trac don´t recognize the c#
> syntax. I try use it like cpp syntax, but it´doesn´t work either,...

I've fixed it to color syntax as for C++

Hobu, perhaps you could update Trac engine to support C#?


> - In my job I work in windows and therefore I work with TortoiseSVN.
> Any ideas to my first commit in the server without broke your job hehe.
> I only want work in the csharp folder in the svn... . I know use svn in google
> code in my localhost computer. My idea is check in the hole svn source trunk
> and after only commmit my source code in the csharp folder. 

I'm sorry, but I'm having troubles to catch what is the problem/question

Just translate this use of the command line client of SVN to the client
you use:

svn checkout http://liblas.org/svn/trunk/  my-copy-of-trunk

> - Yesterday I compile the source code in linux, but I see different
> names in linux and windows for shared libraries. Any reasons for that???.If
> the names are the same I could use the shame dotnet libraries in both
> operating systems. For me would be great something like library1.1.dll for
> windows and  library1.1.so for linux.

In Unix world, names of libraries are different than on Windows.

> - Any ideas for my dotnet libraries names and versioning???.

Just use names that follow most popular .NET/Mono conventions.

> - Any ideas for my MINGW libraries names and versioning???.

I'm sorry, I've never used MinGW tools, so I have no idea how it's

Martin, are you going to add your .NET/Mono stuff to the official
building configuration for Linux (configure.ac + Makefile.am files) and
for Windows (nmake.opt + makefile.vc files) ?

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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