[Liblas-devel] LAS File Header Editor

Martin Rodriguez mrodriguez at stereocarto.com
Thu Aug 14 08:32:03 EDT 2008


> Have you considered to join one of the team of active GUI GIS projects,
> like Quantum GIS, GRASS or gvSIG and develop your ideas of LIDAR tools
> in frame of one of them?

gvSIG is great.

Stereocarto is the owner of KOSMO:

It´s suppose we have to develop over this tools in the company. The problem
I have to work in .NET and KOSMO is in JAVA. WE find difficult join both
source code. In stereocarto we have to work with privative software. Clients
ask privative formats and cartography editors need that tools. Several month
I create an iniciative for a free CAD format with the main free cad
developers, but I see it death:

Outside of the company in my free time I like work with the tools I love. I
am involved in csharp community for sharpmap, mapwindow and so. I believe in
a diverse free world with software in JAVA, c++, .net etc...

I only have 6 month in gis world. I need time to know where I go...


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