[Liblas-devel] 0.9.6 Released

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon May 5 00:09:53 EDT 2008


I am pleased to announce the release of libLAS 0.9.6.  Numerous bug  
fixes are in this release, including a serious one related to scan  
angle ranks and the C API (which includes the utilities and Python  
bindings).  Here is a summary of the issues addressed in this release:

- Python bindings leaking memory for functions that return char* http://liblas.org/ticket/44
- Python bindings leaking LASPoint handles http://liblas.org/ticket/43
- 'import liblas' properly imports liblas.core to initialize the LAS  
ctypes bindings
- Licensing information copied to all source and include files http://liblas.org/ticket/8
- GUID operations were missing in the C and Python APIs http://liblas.org/ticket/37
- Scan angle rank values from C API were broken due to mismatched  
return types http://liblas.org/ticket/41
- Numerous documentation updates to the C API (not quite done yet  
though) http://liblas.org/doxygen/liblas_8h.html
- IsValid and Validate methods for LASPoint (C++ and C APIs -- does  
not exist in Python API, but will be done by 1.0)
- Point validation for write operations
- Fixed a ton of silly leaks in the utilities
- las2las was saying it clipped points, but wasn't actually doing so  
on the second pass through the file when clipping by classification.



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