GRASS LiDAR tools [it was Re: [Liblas-devel] Hello!]

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at
Thu May 8 04:56:54 EDT 2008

Roberto Antolín wrote:
> I've took a look into the Mateusz's thread in the grass-devel list and I 
> agree that, by the moment and as a fast thing, it would be possible to 
> make a wrapper with last2txt and or Later, it would 
> be great to make a *.in.las command or something like that. I don't know 
> whether it is possible/necessary/useful to embed libLAS to work directly 
> with the grass lidar tools (v.lidar.*).


FYI, I've decided to leave the decision about which approach to follow
to the GRASS team. So, I'll wait for their decision and see if
there is a place for me to contribute, if they want to use libLAS  :-)

Mateusz Loskot

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