[Liblas-devel] RE: Building the .net/mono bindings

Martin Rodriguez mrodriguez at stereocarto.com
Mon Sep 15 03:38:20 EDT 2008


I have commited my last version of .net bindings.

Severals doubts, help and comments:

-	I need to know the name of version 1.0 of liblas in linux and
-	the bindings are in the csharp/dotnetLibLAS folder.
-	In that folder we have file called dotnetLibLAS.dll.config. This
file is specific for mono. Mono maps this file always before load the DLL.
This is useful for us because in that XML file we have the name of the DLL
in windows and the name in linux. MONO maps this name. In every release of
liblas I will need the name of the libraries in linux and windows to insert
in that file. (This is used also in c# mapserver bindings)
-	In windows we only need this command to compile the library:
csc /target:library /out:dotnetLibLAS.dll *.cs \keyfile:liblas.snk
-	In linux we only need this command to compile the library:
gmcs /target:library /out:dotnetLibLAS.dll *.cs \keyfile:liblas.snk
-	In windows we need have the CSC command and I can imagine this is
direct in a NMAKE file??¿.
-	In autotools perhaps we need add gmcs test in the configure.ac file.
-	In the FWTools I saw the GDAL bindings was in different folder that
the DLLS. For this I had copy by hand the DLLs and the .NET bindings by hand
to the same folder. I thought much about this and I find very difficult add
good support in .Net if we don´t have the native DLLs in a windows path. For
In my project if I don´t have the native DLLs in a windows path I would need
copy the DLLs to 8 folders (samples release and debug, test, hello world
debug and release, library debug and release, ...)
- In NSIS this is very easy to implement in a installation. I don´t know but
perhaps use a folder like c:\OSGEO\BIN to all osgeo applications,...
- In GTK development in windows for example they use the c:\gtk\bin path.
This is great because I don´t need copy the DLLs to the project, only when I
need deliver the project. 
The DLL problem is the same to D, JAVA, ruby, etc development.
The image:magick library use the same trick in windows.
- By now I don´t plan export the library to the GAC because the problem
outlined above.
-	In the next release I will add full support to nunit for windows.
For mono not, else only help to install NUNIT by hand.
- I don´t add iterators because I think this is not the place to the points
entities. In the next release instead I will add events like libdxf (make in
c++ with interfaces working like events)


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