[Liblas-devel] liblas 1.0.1 on FreeBSD64 with gcc 3.4.4

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu May 28 05:53:10 EDT 2009

Jeff Hamann wrote:
> On May 27, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Howard Butler wrote:
>> On May 27, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Jeff Hamann wrote:
>>> $ ./configure --with-boost=no --with-gdal=/usr/home/hamannj/gdal-1.6.0
>> Is boost complaining?  Are you required to do --with-boost=no?  If so, 
>> I should fix that, boost is not a requirement to build the library at 
>> this time.
> Yes, boost is complaining, when I try a simple ./configure
> checking for boostlib >= 1.20.0... configure: error: We could not detect 
> the boost libraries (version 1.20 or higher). 

Do you know what version of Boost C++ Libraries you have?

You can check <boost/version.hpp> header for the exact numbers,
it looks like here:


>>>> Are there plans to move the las2ogr into the ogr library?
>> Not at this point.  I'm skeptical it would be any more convenient to 
>> be in the GDAL tree with las2ogr, las2ogr is developing quite rapidly 
>> still, and las2ogr is not at all in OGR's code style and would likely 
>> have to be rewritten a bit to satisfy the OGR style gods.
> ah... I work with ogr2ogr from the command line, and have added some 
> features I would like to get into that repos.
> I forgot what my original problem was... oh yeah, do I understand 
> correctly, that the capability to write to Postgresql databases exists 
> in las2ogr?

Yes, potentially it should work without problems, see -f option


However, this tool has not been tested with all OGR formats, so it's 
possible fixes will be required. In case of problems, please report them
by submitting New Ticket to Trac at http://liblas.org/

A word of background, I started to implement las2ogr as an experiment 
and there was no business or user request behind this motion:


It turned out that this tool may be useful, so Hobu and I, we've
decided to push it forward. In any case, I'd still call it a beta and
users should be aware it needs more testing. Bug reports, patches,
comments are welcome.

> I need to do something like:
> las2ogr -a -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost dbname=testing" lidar.las
> add the append switch, rather than dump and create a new table (or 
> something like it)...

Append feature is not available, I'm afraid.

> How much effort do you think that would take? 

Raw append feature is fairy easy to implement.

Instead of creating layer:


we need to try to find existing one first, as ogr2ogr does:


You may try to replace the OGR_DS_CreateLayer call with layer
lookup as in ogr2ogr.

However, there are number of issues that make the task more
complex to make it user friendly :-)

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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