[Liblas-devel] patch to add lasthin

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 10:43:16 EDT 2010

On May 9, 2010, at 12:24 AM, Peter Jansen wrote:

> Hi,
> I hacked Martins lasthin program from the original lastools, so now works with liblas


Thanks for the patch.  Unfortunately, I cannot incorporate it into libLAS unless Martin gives his blessing to license it under the BSD license that libLAS is released under.  In the past, he had done so for the port of his LAStools utilities that currently exist in libLAS, but we haven't done any more updates or porting of his updates to libLAS due to the fogginess of the licensing issues.


If you could apply the BSD license <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php> to a LICENSE.txt or headers of your LAStools code to clarify the licensing status of LAStools, we would not have to continually ask to incorporate your LAStools updates into libLAS.  Additionally, if that's something you're not interested in, you should let the community know so they do not make the mistake of assuming your LAStools code can be freely incorporated in any other software without consequence.



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