[Liblas-devel] liblas fails to compile on vs2010

Tommy Stehle TStehle at HNTB.com
Thu Sep 2 11:30:43 EDT 2010

I re-pulled the code from hg and I am still receiving the same error in the lasclassification.cpp file.

I first tried using the osgeo4w version of gdal and cmake didn't find that function so then I tried downloading gdal from the site and building it but it didn't seem to make a difference.  I'll try changing the cmake file.

I haven't been trying to use the las2oci program on windows, just Linux.


-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Butler [mailto:hobu.inc at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Tommy Stehle
Cc: 'liblas-devel at lists.osgeo.org'
Subject: Re: [Liblas-devel] liblas fails to compile on vs2010

On Sep 2, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Tommy Stehle wrote:

> The latest pull of liblas does not seem to compile on vs2010 32bit.  The error is in the lasclassification.cpp.  The actual message is below: 
> lasclassification.cpp(109): error C2668: 'std::bitset<_Bits>::bitset' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
> 2>          C:\Microsoft\mvs10\VC\include\bitset(136): could be 'std::bitset<_Bits>::bitset(_ULonglong)'
> 2>          with
> 2>          [
> 2>              _Bits=8
> 2>          ]

I thought we fixed this, but I see it got dumped in a merge.  Please pull again.

> If I try to add gdal support I have always got this error in cmake on windows. 
> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:192 (message):
> Unable to find OSRSetEquirectangular2 within GDAL library at
> D:/sdks/gdal172 d:/sdks/gdal172/gdal_i.lib

Is this a GDAL that you downloaded?  OSGeo4W?  You can comment out the OSRSetEquirectangular2 test in CMakeLists.txt to get past the error.  For some reason, the find_library detection in CMake isn't so good. We have trouble looking for the ST_Create function in geotiff as well.

I would note that las2oci doesn't quite work on windows yet.  There's a bug in the chipper code with its usage of std::vector<uint32_t>::reserve.  It might be due to the compilation flags we're using, but I haven't had time to investigate it yet.
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