[Liblas-devel] LASzip 1.0.0 final released

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 13:26:39 EST 2011


I am pleased to announce the 1.0.0 final release of LGPL'd LAS compression library LASzip.  A number of small issues were fixed in this release including:

* The old range encoder/decoder was derived from GPL'd code and has been removed from LASzip releases.  It is still available in the unused/ directory and can be optionally enabled at compile time if you are using the mercurial version of the code.  Martin can explain the differences in the two compression algorithms, but the arithmetic encoder that is currently used is better in a multitude of ways.
* Consistent naming of public headers
* Cleaned up a few small leaks
* An infinite-run test now provided for laszippertest along with a log to record random seeds to repeat the run if an issue is found.  Michael Gerlek ran the compressor for quite a while with no issues, as have I for the past 3 hours.  
* Martin fixed an extremely rare condition in the time encoder that caused it to get in an infinite loop.  The fix does not affect the line format of LASzip in any way.

Finally, I'd like to thank Martin for working so hard to beat LASzip into shape and support enabling the usage of LASzip across both his LAStools and libLAS.  It has been an excellent collaboration, and it has provided wonderful benefits to the LiDAR community at large in my opinion.

http://liblas.org/zip/  The OSGeo4W release has also been refreshed.


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