[Liblas-devel] parsing xml output from lasinfo

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 09:32:24 EDT 2011

On Mar 15, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Charles A. Cowart wrote:

> Hi,
> Based on the schema found here (http://trac.liblas.org/wiki/LASSchema), it appears that the element names from lasinfo and their associated types are not defined in the schema. May I assume that the lasinfo output is suitable for DOM parsing or extraction with regular expressions using lasinfo output as a guide?


The XML that is output is "related" to the LASSchema stuff at that wiki page in the sense that the schema effort was informing the development of the lasinfo output, but the lasinfo output is simply an unvalidated XML dump of the Boost property_tree that is used to manage the Schema entries.  The Schema effort at that page is an attempt at coming up with something general for softwares in addition to libLAS to produce.

In short, it's not quite done yet, and in the interim, you'll have to hack around with the lasinfo output to extract the items that you need.  

Sorry this is not more complete,


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