[Liblas-devel] txt2las with .zip

Sarah Schuessler sarah_flip at yahoo.de
Thu Mar 17 10:15:30 EDT 2011

Hi list,

I hope I´m right here at this mailing list. If not let me know.

My problem is:
I have  a lot of .zip files and want to create .laz files out of them. I read at 
liblas.org that there is a command

txt2las -parse txyzar lidar.txt.gz lidar.laz

I modified this to my needs:
txt2las -parse xyz xxx.zip xxx.laz 
but that didn`t work.
Tried with different changes but nothing worked.
I do gzip, txt2las and then laszip but it would be nice if txt2las could do it 
with one step.
If this is not possible can anyone perhaps tell me if it is possible to override 
my uncompressed zip-file?
Or is it normal behavior that I`m having one for example .txt file and then one 
.las file?
Thank you for any comments!

best regards

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