[Liblas-devel] Can Liblas only update a small portion of the points in Lidar file?

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 11:49:41 EST 2012

On Feb 8, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Hongwei Shen wrote:

> To solve this problem, I  think we can add a member variable, m_AbsoluteIndex, to liblas::Point.  Then we can also store the absolute index of the point in liblas::detail::ReadNextPoint() .  

I think I'm ok with this as long as the tests continue to pass. 

> To implement a ReaderUpdater (or ReaderWriter),  I think we can do the following:   
> 1.
> Add ReaderUpdaterI  in liblas.hpp: 
> 2. 
> Add a class, liblas:detail:ReaderUpdater 
> 3.  
> Of course,  add class liblas::ReaderUpdater  to wrap liblas::detail::ReaderUpdater
> How do you think of these changes?  Will they break current design and/or other software that use liblas?  

This looks ok to me as well.

Please implement this in your github fork and send the libLAS tree a pull request when you are complete.  I'll pull it down and make sure everything continues to pass and we'll push it out in a new release.  

Thanks for the effort!


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