[Live-demo] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2009 to reach those who
cannot attend
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Sun Aug 2 17:18:11 EDT 2009
I'm very impressed with how far you seem to have gone with the
development of a live-dvd, and am hopeful that you will be interested to
use your expertise to craft the foss4g liveDVD.
Have you had a look at the Arramagong LiveDVD yet. At the moment, this
is the most recent LiveDVD which has been created, and includes a number
of the projects not packaged yet. In particular, a number of the Java
projects like GeoServer.
I think you created a wiki somewhere explaining what was on the
Arramagong LiveDVD and how to build it, but I can't put my fingers on
it. Can you please point us in the right direction.
Massimo Di Stefano wrote:
> I tried to answer this mail ..
> apologize me if it will be a bit confused and for any my mistake.
> i'm newbie in live-dvd preparation so maybe is possible i'm ignoring
> something
> but i hope you can point me on the right direction to follow.
> Il giorno 01/ago/09, alle ore 13:28, Cameron Shorter ha scritto:
>> Maning, Massimo, Alex, Ravi,
>> Thank you all for your kinds offers of help with the LiveDVD. This is
>> greatly appreciated, will be very valuable, and will also make space
>> for the overly committed FOSS4G local organising committee to focus
>> on the other aspects of the FOSS4G conference.
>> As I see it, this is what needs to be done:
>> 1. Anyone who is interested, please subscribe to the live-dvd email
>> list, where we can continue the rest of this discussion.
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/live-demo
> i'm already subscribed to the list,
> i read the previouse topic and i agree that the main distro to be used
> must be a debian/debian-based distro.
> as live-builder system, i'm tring the remastersys tool
> i find it really complete and works fine on ubuntu and debian but need
> to be hacked to works on sidux.
> (the best solution for me is to have a custom script to produce a
> live.iso from an installed linux-distro based on sidux, i prefer to
> chose sidux beacouse it has updated packages (it include the
> debian-gis repository, and beacouse has an updated kernel and some
> virtualizzation .. is the only distro that works fine on my HW
> "macbook pro 15'' 2,2 with ati 1600 video card))
>> The wiki associated with this project is at:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Live_DVD
>> and
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
> i tried to describe the procedure i'm using to build some gis SW on
> sidux installing the svn version on the osgeo wiki page (search for
> gfoss.it in the search tool)
> I agree with you that for a live projet we need to use the debian-gis
> however i prefer to have the last version installed from source. (at
> least for the main app osgeo project)
> why? :
> building from source we'll have all the dev-package installed in the live
> this implies that a live-dvd user can choose to install the live on
> its hard-drive (install option is handled by remastersys)
> and having all the dependencies already installed will simplify the
> life to an user that want update to the latest version for the
> source-installed gis app
> (this will guarantee a long life for the live ptroject and avoid
> intense dependence from repository)
> obviously is not my intent to build all from source, but only the main
> osgeo project like :
> Gdal, Grass, Ossim, Qgis, ...+?
>> 2. We need someone who can continually keep track of the status of
>> the LiveDVD. Determine what it contains, what package versions are on
>> it, how much space is being used, what should and should not be on it
>> etc.
>> This data should be kept up to date in this wiki:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Live_DVD
> i done a list of apt-get-able packages related to scientiphic and
> geographics software, icluding python dependencies for qgis plug-in
> R package to handle spatial data, other sw more or less related to
> academic/sciantific world
>> 2b. Revise the LiveDVD schedule, and then track to it.
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Schedule
>> 3. The LiveDVD needs to be tested, and make sure that the current,
>> and any future packages all work together without impacting each
>> other. Any issues found need to be tracked in the issue tracker.
>> 4. Someone needs to contact all interested parties for the LiveDVD,
>> and encourage them to provide data or software, or configurations,
>> etc for the LiveDVD. This includes:
>> * Workshop and tutorial authors who may want to hand out a DVD at the
>> conference.
>> * OSGeo projects already on the LiveDVD, or who want to get on the DVD
>> * UbuntuGIS, DebianGIS, GISVM, OSGeo4W packaging projects, which have
>> significant synergies with the LiveDVD
>> * And any other people who want to help out.
> tring variouse live-dvd build i had some different problems on
> different distro :
> ubuntu 9.04 :
> problem to build ossim (mailed the dev list about my issue)
> some problems with pyQwt (use python 2.5 while the python used as
> default is 2.6)
> debian+ubuntu :
> kernel minor than 2.6.30 has proble to get a working driver on mac
> laptop using ati video card.
> again on generic hardware i need to manually install the video driver
> to enable a full 3d environment
> Sidux :
> the driver installed as default works well on mac laptop and the 3d
> environment work out of box on different hardware
> whitout need to install additional drivers
> but the problem is :
> using remastersys (script dedicated to debian and ubuntu distro) i
> need to hack the script to figure out a kernel module problems :
> remastersys try to find a pakage "squashfs-module" that on sidux is
> included in the kernel .. so remastersys fail to check the module
> presence (but it exists)
> to figure out this problem i commented out the relative "if statment"
> to check the module presence.
> after this littlle hack i have remastersys "semi-working" on sidux too.
> the live-dvd produced has a working gis software (also 3d with
> ossimplanet) but unluky the script fails to configure the network
> (resolvconf problems)
> and it has missed the "install to hd" tools.
> (i'm subsribed to the remastersys forum and i'm tring to get support
> about this problem)
> in short word :
> using debian or ubuntu i'm not able to have a really platform
> independent 3d environment but i have an installable live-dvd
> while on sidux i have all working in live-mode except to the
> resolvconf-dhcp problem (i'll meet a server-mantainers in the next
> days to face out this problem)
> again the live is not yet installable on HD (i'm tring to solve this
> on the remastersys forum).
>> 5. Add what ever new packages, linux software, windows installers,
>> etc to the LiveDVD. This is the technical grunt work.
>> Note that the packaging projects like DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS are
>> quite robust, and have been very helpful in getting new people
>> started with packaging, and many of these people are also on the
>> LiveDVD email list.
> i've discuss about the osgeo live-dvd project on our local-chapter
> list, we'll be avaiable to produce a local dataset and localized
> documents.
> my idea is to use as example data a common dataset based on global
> data + a localized dataset based on local-free data if avaiable.
> however we need a common tutorial/how-to workshop files to follow as
> guide-line for the local chapters.
> just a littel consideration maybe is is obviouse,
> i'm tring the variouse .iso produced and is my idea that the live.iso
> works really more fast if it is booted in a virtualbox machine
> i do some test on the live.iso, i find that running it in a VirtualBox
> Machine, it is really fast rather than a boot from cd.
> thanks to read this long-confuse mail and for any feedback.
> Massimo.
>> Welcome aboard.
>> I suggest that any volunteers join the live-demo email list, and
>> respond to this email suggesting how you might want to help.
>> Cameron Shorter, FOSS4G chair.
>> Ravi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> volunteer:
>>> Happy to note a good discussion.
>>> I can help in seeing the draft of workshops/Labs that deal with
>>> Vector-GIS and GIS that focuses on Geoscience. Can help in advising
>>> where necessary, to tune the material such that those multitudes not
>>> attending the event can equally use the material with ease.
>>> Cheers
>>> Ravi Kumar
>>> --- On Fri, 31/7/09, Alex Borrell <borrellalex at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Alex Borrell <borrellalex at gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2009 to reach those who cannot
>>>> attend
>>>> To: "OSGeo Discussions" <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>> Cc: "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com>
>>>> Date: Friday, 31 July, 2009, 8:12 PM
>>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:55 AM,
>>>> Massimo Di Stefano <massimodisasha at yahoo.it>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I'm working on a live dvd project based on GIS
>>>> software,
>>>> i'm avaiable for any help on the dvd creation.
>>>> let me know.
>>>> ciao,
>>>> Massimo.
>>>> Il giorno 31/lug/09, alle ore 11:11, Cameron Shorter ha
>>>> scritto:
>>>> Hi Ravi,
>>>> Yes, you are so right, we do need to collect as much of the
>>>> material from the FOSS4G conference as we can.
>>>> One way we hope to facilitate this has been to give every
>>>> attendee a LiveDVD which can be populated with all the
>>>> material from the workshops. This means that if workshop
>>>> presenters can get their data onto the DVD, then they know
>>>> all attendees will receive it.
>>>> So we have budget for the LiveDVD. We have an old version
>>>> of the LiveDVD (based on FOSS4G 2008). What we need to
>>>> continue through to completion is to have someone who will
>>>> coordinate the compiling of the DVD. This is primarily a
>>>> project management role, keeping track of what is on the DVD
>>>> and what should be on it, contacting workshop authors, and
>>>> project leads and helping them get their projects onto the
>>>> DVD etc.
>>>> Sound like you? It would be an incredibly valuable
>>>> contribution to FOSS4G and the greater OSGeo community at
>>>> large.
>>>> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>> These are all kind thoughts. Would you consider
>>>> volunteering to help
>>>> put together the conference live DVD? You can see an
>>>> example from
>>>> FOSS4G2008 etc...
>>>> Jody
>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:20 AM, <ravivundavalli at yahoo.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> FOSS4G every year is a keenly followed event. Many await
>>>> the publication of material on the website eagerly such that
>>>> they can follow labs, workshops and presentations of
>>>> choice.
>>>> So the present organisers may please request those
>>>> especially conducting labs/workshops to keep in mind the
>>>> multitudes who browse them through the internet can have
>>>> equal benefit. This can be achieved my keeping on the
>>>> internet for download
>>>> 1. All the binaries that are required for the exercise
>>>> 2. All the data that are required for the exercise
>>>> 3. All the printed material provided for the exercise
>>>> 4. All the other material provided to the attendees, CD or
>>>> DVD etc
>>>> I agree that most of it is done each time, except for a few
>>>> instances
>>>> Example:'Download data from the CD provided', is
>>>> given in the lab pdf.. but the data is not given for
>>>> download...
>>>> Example:'Run the pg_setenv.bat file first,'
>>>> (FOSS4G2007).. even on date a nice archive is available from
>>>> the FOSS4G2007 website, data, text etc..
>>>> but, the pg_setenv.bat, not there.
>>>> This may be trivial for experts, but for those learning
>>>> through the internet and depending on 'Discuss
>>>> Lists', it will be a roadblock.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Ravi Kumar
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>>>> --
>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>>>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>>>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>>>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>>>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open
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>>>> http://www.lisasoft.com
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>>>> I think Massimo is right, there are lots of people who can
>>>> not attend FOSSG4, but would like to learn
>>>> through Internet the workshops and conferences. As it is a
>>>> fast growing field, the sooner the better. Please,
>>>> if there is a way to help this happen, let me know!
>>>> I am from Mexico, so if there is some need for spanish
>>>> translation, or any other work I'll be glad to help.
>>>> Alex Borrell
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>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Geospatial Systems Architect
>> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
>> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
>> Think Globally, Fix Locally
>> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
>> http://www.lisasoft.com
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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