[Live-demo] Re: FOSS4G and the Live DVD

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Sun May 17 23:04:00 EDT 2009

Chris Rizos,
Professor and head of University of NSW School of Surveying and Spatial 
Information Systems

It was great to meet you on Friday and discuss involvement in the FOSS4G 
conference. At the time you mentioned that you would be likely to find 
interest from within the University in getting involved in setting up 
some of the computer programs for FOSS4G. There are two areas that would 
provide some academic challenges, and would be high profile and very useful.

1. The Climate Change Integration Plugfest 

2. Building a Live DVD

The second option would probably provide the best challenge as:
* It already exists, so you would be guaranteed to have a successful 
* However, there are a number of packaging challenges, both for linux 
packaging and windows packaging, which need to be streamlined in order 
to make an efficient Open Source Geospatial distribution, which will 
remain up to date.
* The Live DVD is also a perfect teaching tool which will benefit 
greatly from marrying with tutorial and workshop material.

I'd like to introduce you to Gaby Van Wyk, who also has a strong 
interest in making the Live DVD a success.

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Great,
> There are a few wikis where all the appropriate information is 
> collated and I'm pretty sure they all cross reference each other.
> Start here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Live_DVD
> I talked with one of the heads at Uni of NSW yesterday who suggested 
> he might be able to find a few students to work on the CCIP or Live DVD.
> One task is to clean up the documentation so that is easy for:
> 1. Projects to get involved and package up their projects. Answer the 
> question:
> "Yes, I do want to put my package onto the LiveDVD, but how do I do it?"
> 2. Answer the question of:
> "I want to download the LiveDVD and hand it out at conferences", what 
> do I need to do? What version should I use? What label should I use? etc.
> 3. A user:
> "I'm considering downloading the software on the DVD, but before I 
> waste my bandwidth quota, what is on the DVD and what should I expect 
> from it?".
> Gaby Van Wyk wrote:
>> Hi Cameron
>> Sorry I only got to these this morning - been on the road yesterday. 
>> I have joined the groups, will have a better look later on. In the 
>> mean time, thanx for adding me to the lists.
>> For the moment, I think that the live CD is probably the best way for 
>> me to contribute. I will look around and let you know.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Gaby Van Wyk
>> Systems Architect
>>   202 Mona Vale Road, St Ives NSW 2075 Australia
>> Main : +61 2 9449 3222
>> Fax:    +61 2 9449 3211 Mobile: +61 (04) 11895050
>> gvanwyk at openspatial.com.au
>> visit: www.openspatial.com.au
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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