[Live-demo] osgeo-live version 4.0alpha6 available for download

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 3 21:01:45 EDT 2010

Cameron wrote:
> I've finally finished building and
> then uploading the osgeolive 4.0alpha6 image that I started
> 5 days ago (on Tuesday 29 July). Alex has offered to build
> the next release which is good because he has a much better
> track record of turning the releases around quickly.
> Logs and virtual machine can be downloaded from:
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/4.0-alpha6/
> Quite a few more applications are working in this release,
> although for some reason some of the desktop folders are not
> available and you need to use the pull down Application list
> to find applications (or the command line).
> I have done almost no testing in this release.

ossim, R, OpenCPN, geodata: fixed some errors/typos which were causing problems
deegree: chmod is failing. needs to be looked at.
main.sh, services: setup.sh must come first, when using a \
  line continuation no chars must come after the \ (not even a space or #)
gpsdrive: I'll fix this later today or tomorrow; have it working locally.
  * need to sync with new osm2pgsql osm_local DB for Mapnik support
pgRouting: reactivated for further testing (hungry -dd now commented out)
main_docs: fixed help icon
java: "apt-get remove openjdk-6-jre" also removes pdftk? wtf? dpkg bug?
desktop: needs updating for Lucid's xfce layout.
postgis: need to sort out 1.4/1.5 mismatch.

gvSIG: currently disabled as no install candidate for Lucid has arrived.

everything after ossim got clobbered by a package dep error (now fixed)
so we'll have to wait for alpha7 for osgearth.sh, spatialite.sh,
beta_and_submenu.sh, etc.

other notes:
* ${foo}/ for quoting spaces in path names doesn't work. use "quotes" instead.
* don't forget to "chmod g+w" when uploading files to the download server.
(except maybe for md5sum lists)



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