[Live-demo] osgeo-live version 4.0alpha6 available for download

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 4 02:09:38 EDT 2010

Cameron wrote:
> although for some reason some of the desktop folders are not
> available and you need to use the pull down Application list
> to find applications (or the command line).

should be fixed by r3848. (Xfce dir structure changed since Karmic)

AFAICT there's nothing wrong with GpsDrive's install script; some of the
build tools disappeared. perhaps somehow setdown.sh got run before all
scripts were complete? shrug.

* load_postgis.sh's osm2pgsql will need to be modified due to a chicken
and egg problem: Barcelona.osm is not downloaded until install_osm.sh,
which runs after install_postgis.sh. Suggest to move the osm2pgsql stuff
into install_osm.sh; if possible setting up the PostGIS DB in a way
compatible with Ross Scanlon's instructions here:

so that the resulting OSM DB can be accessed live from within GpsDrive &
then we can drop the pre-rendered sample data for that. (was 73mb for

also AFAIK osm2gpsql is smart enough to read planet.osm.bz2 files directly,
no need to unbzip them first.



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