[Live-demo] osgeo-live version 4.0alpha6 available for download

Dane Springmeyer blake at hailmail.net
Sun Jul 4 14:44:22 EDT 2010

On Jul 3, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Hamish wrote:
> AFAICT there's nothing wrong with GpsDrive's install script; some of the
> build tools disappeared. perhaps somehow setdown.sh got run before all
> scripts were complete? shrug.
> * load_postgis.sh's osm2pgsql will need to be modified due to a chicken
> and egg problem: Barcelona.osm is not downloaded until install_osm.sh,
> which runs after install_postgis.sh. Suggest to move the osm2pgsql stuff
> into install_osm.sh;

That makes sense to me.

> if possible setting up the PostGIS DB in a way
> compatible with Ross Scanlon's instructions here:
>  https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/gpsdrive/index.php?title=Setting_up_Mapnik

I've never used GPSDrive, but I would caution against that wiki. I just skimmed it and it looks quite old. For example, it references very out of data urls to download shapefiles used for the osm stylesheets. 

Both the OSM styles and osm2pgsql are not on a release cycle, so they need to be paired in time. The easiest way to do this is grab them both from latest osm SVN.

But, for the osgeo-live DVD we could consider pulling from a specific revision number to keep things simple. Just last week a few more shapefiles were added as dependencies (from natural earth) for the osm styles, so I can help get this right.

Given that (and I was just looking into this before finding this thread), would it be possible to install osm2pgsql from source on osgeo-live rather than from apt packages?  osm2pgsql takes ./autogen && ./configure && make, but compiles in just a few seconds.

> so that the resulting OSM DB can be accessed live from within GpsDrive &
> then we can drop the pre-rendered sample data for that. (was 73mb for
> Sydney)

That makes good sense. Let me know how I can help.

> also AFAIK osm2gpsql is smart enough to read planet.osm.bz2 files directly,
> no need to unbzip them first.

Yes, it is.

> Hamish
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