[Live-demo] 4.0 rc5 build

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Jul 28 02:09:01 EDT 2010

On 07/27/2010 10:30 PM, Hamish wrote:
> Alex wrote:
>> The Help Launcher is nowhere to be seen, the files are there the logs
>> seem ok, maybe the icon shuffle at the end did it in(I looked but didn't
>> see it in any of the folders)? 
> ok; will have to investigate later.
>> Also Mapbender is still floating on the desktop.
> that's ok, I expect(ed) some of those with all the new scripts.
> I'm surprised there's just one to be honest.
>> FYI looks like something is still making a /usr/local/livedvd-docs
>> folder but all our stuff is in osgeolive-docs, someone want
>> to find and kill that uneeded folder?
> grep bin/* shows build_iso.sh, install_mapnik.sh, install_mapserver.sh,
> and main.sh still using it.
Interesting, something to poke at when theres a spare moment, but it's
only for consistency.

>> Firefox homepage reset doesn't work, but that's nothing new,
>> I did it by hand this time. 
> we'd have to find and attack the skeleton file, as the ~user/.mozilla/
> dir doesn't exist yet when we run the install scripts.
> also it might pay to investigate the ubuntu-theme firefox package and
> see how it does it, and if it will override whatever we do.
Actually it does, I always open firefox and go to the wiki to grab the
commands I need, so under this circumstance it might work.

> it looks like the ubufox package is putting the homepage in
>  /etc/xul-ext/ubufox.js
> let's try editing it there.
>> I also added the Geospatial menu from it's file, the cpu
>> monitor and the keyboard switcher so I don't forget to do
>> it on the final builds.
> If you run the install scripts while not logged into the user account
> running Xfce, that should happen automatically. (changes to disk get
> blasted upon logout as it saves current state) I suggest to try running
> the install scripts from a xterm session or maybe install a tiny WM like
> fluxbox to run the install scripts from?

Well the problem there is a few of the things rely on being logged in
(setting the background). I could try to make sure to uncheck the save
session next time I build and see what happens. Personally I also
cheatsheet the commands(to make sure I get them right) I need from the
wiki but I can easily prep a text file to copy/paste from in a xterm.

> no time to peek at the build logs right now, but asap.
> thanks,
> Hamish

7z will be up in 10 minutes


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