[Live-demo] Re: proposal to add prune to OSGeo-Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 20:13:48 EST 2010

activityworkshop, Hamish,

I suggest we give people at least 24 hours to comment before we start 
adding the application.
For those joining the conversation - this was discussed here:


I suggest that you take responsibility for adding scripts and docs into 
svn so that we have a track record in svn of the effort you have 
contributed. (I expect someone will mine our svn history for metrics 
some time in the future).

As Hamish notes, you may wish to start on your documentation.

On 22/11/10 11:56, activityworkshop wrote:
> Hamish wrote:
>> (pretty much just a "apt-get install prune" one-liner IIRC)
> apt-get install gpsprune
> (graphviz beat me to the "prune" name)
> That's assuming meerkat repositories though, it didn't make it in time 
> for the lynx release.
>> did we get you svn access yet?
> yes, Cameron approved it and it works.
>> overview and quickstart docs would be good ASAP as the translators keep
>> marching on...
> No problem, unless there needs to be a discussion first?
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
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