[Live-demo] Is there a VM image for OSGeo Live 4.0.1

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 27 17:53:04 EDT 2010

Yingqi Tang wrote:
> Is there a VM image for OSGeo Live 4.0.1? The download link
> for 3.0 VM image seems to be removed already.


just create an empty VM disk image yourself (say 10 or 20gb),
then attach the ISO download as a CD drive and install the CD
on the VM disk from the Install button on the desktop.

see  http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc

for instructions on how to do that with KVM+Qemu and VMWare, and
the on-disc instructions on how to do that with VirtualBox:




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