[Live-demo] 5.0 Beta 4 Status

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Aug 7 17:15:03 EDT 2011

Logs are up.
VM will be done shortly.
ISO to come in a few hours.

Biggest concerns right now:
Fixing the menus/panels (Hamish?)

Space - Seems like every apt-get dist-upgrade is taking more MB even
though I'm cleaning the old kernels out. Our datasets are also at
~770MB+, we may need to selective slim part of that out or we will miss
our Mini ISO target of fitting on a 4GB flash drive. (Note Beta3 iso was
3.8 GB which might already be too big, estimate this version is ~3.9 GB)

I already trimmed the R package selection last build and will do the
same to the QGIS plugins before the next run.

More ideas are welcome... for 5.5 I would love to focus on deb packaging
to reduce the redundancy of many packages (Java I'm looking at you).


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