[Live-demo] Application for package inclusion on DVD for GeoMoose

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue May 24 17:08:29 EDT 2011

Thanks Bob,
Based on your responses below, I think that GeoMoose would be a valuable 
addition, and it sounds like you have access to a community who will 
ensure that GeoMoose will maintain the quality of GeoMoose on OSGeo-Live.

I'm +1 for including GeoMoose.
Could others please speak up with a +1 or -1, or ask questions. If there 
are no negative responses within the next 48 hours. I suggest that 
GeoMoose be invited to join OSGeo-Live.

On 25/05/11 02:27, Bob Basques wrote:
> ong side of the DVD included datasets.
>     * We include Windows and Mac installers for some applications.
>       Would you be wishing to include Windows and/or Mac
>       installers?I'm not entirely sure here, the Windows side of the
>       quation has been to use MS4W, there are already installers on
>       the GeoMoose site for MS4W.  This will depend on how the
>       workshop will be put together in the near term, but I anticipate
>       that a windows installer will be included at some point.
>     * OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained. Can the application
>       run in 512 Meg of RAM?Yes, very small footprint, very low on
>       reseource usage.
>     * How much disk space will be required to install the application
>       and a suitable example application?30 MG will install the V2.4
>       of GeoMoose with two local demos.  Some slight increase in size
>       to add in the LiveDVD data resources as well.
>     * We aim to reduce disk space by having all applications make use
>       of a common dataset. We encourage applications to make use of
>       the example datasets already installed:
> _/http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Example_Datasets/_ If another 
> dataset would be more appropriate, please discuss here. Is it 
> appropriate, to remove existing demo datasets which may already be 
> included in the standard release.
> Every attempt will be made to utilize the included datasets.  I see 
> this as a longer term tweaking process as I would like to include 
> examples of many different types of data sources, SHP files, Database, 
> WMS/WFS, etc. over time.
> Thanks
> bobb

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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