[Live-demo] updating trunk to xubuntu 12.04

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 29 18:50:42 EDT 2012

Massimo wrote:
> the ossim stuff will not works on 12.04 using the default osg
> 3.x the dev need to adapt the code to run with osg 3.x (ossim is
> stuck on 2.8) 
> … an hack for me will be to build osg2.8 and store only
> the needed lib the binary pkg … but this will increase the
> pkg size.
>  i mailed the ossim list to worn them about this.

from memory, osg was one of the biggest installs on the livedvd,
so a duplicate copy of it is slightly problematic. let's hope it
isn't still needed come RC time.


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