[Live-demo] Clarifying the docs English (after 6.0 release)
Zhengfan Lin
public.t.lin at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 05:45:13 PDT 2012
Thanks for pointing this out.
"Verify your download with its md5sum checksum" and "Use the md5 file to
make sure your download is complete" look identical to me. But adding links
for terms like "md5" would definitely help a lot. I'm already doing this in
my translations.
What I really suggest those who write the (English) overviews and
quick_starts to do is to make sure what they write are good for newbies.
Too many concepts and abbreviations without any explanation isn't the good
way to attract customers. STR instead of "sort-tile-recursive" may give
someone unfamiliar with spatial databases a headache. AP instead of
"application profile" (and no further explanation !) is even more annoying.
This applies to docs in general, not translation specific.
I don't suggest linking "md5" to the Wiki pages as those pages are too
long. You can't expect someone who doesn't know md5 to be able to know
where to look at when reading such long articles. How about some
short tutorial which only shows the basic idea and a simple tool to use ?
- Zheng-Fan LIN (Live Chinese Translator)
On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>wrote:
> Just had a discussion here with a native korean and native chinese
> speaker. The English docs are a little hard to translate properly.
> After much discussion (and me explaining md5) we think the following
> line should be changed to make translation easier (apparently the
> current chinese translation is close but not quite right).
> From:
> Verify your download with its md5sum checksum
> To:
> Use the md5 file to make sure your download is complete.
> It's also suggested we link to or include an explanation of md5. The
> Wikipedia pages in Korean and Chinese, I'm told are good.
> This brings up a good point though that in 6.5 we might want to work on
> simplifying the english to make it easier to translate.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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