[Live-demo] 5.5 Beta 4 Status

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 12 07:02:59 EST 2012

Barry wrote:
>  I still don't understand the error on the CRAN repository:
> Err http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu natty/ Packages
>   404  Not Found [IP: 2607:f140:0:8000::201 80]
> Ign http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu natty/ Translation-en_US
> Ign http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu natty/ Translation-en
> W: Failed to fetch
> http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/bin/linux/ubuntu/natty/Packages 
> 404  Not
> Found [IP: 2607:f140:0:8000::201 80]
>  - I have no problem getting that URL from my PC.

same here, no prob for me.

> The build seems to get other stuff from that host okay though - I
> originally thought it was some IPv6 thing going on. Can you get that
> Packages file from the build machine?

maybe comment out the UC Berkeley mirror and swap it in if Alex does
the building; if Angelos does the builds we should find a cran mirror
nearer to the build machine..  maybe it fixes it..

the failure to wget from download.osgeo.org seen in an earlier build log
is rather concerning though.

>  The build is getting R from somewhere, but it looks like
> its only getting 2.12.1
> R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)
> Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical
> Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
>  - whereas we really wanted the latest in the 2.14 series.
> Is it just getting it from the Ubuntu repos rather than the CRAN
> repos?

try 'apt-cache policy r-base' on the livedvd to see what source(s) it
currently knows about, and the versions they ship.


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