[Live-demo] gvSIG at OSGeo live 6 package status

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at gvsig.com
Sun Jul 15 15:18:32 PDT 2012

Hash: SHA1

El 16/07/12 00:00, Alex Mandel escribió:
> On 07/15/2012 02:42 PM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm CCing this message to the gvSIG TSC to let them know about
>> this topic.
>> As I've found some problems running gvSIG 1.12RC on the OSGeo
>> Live beta 1 (GUI completely blocks after loading any data) and
>> being over the feature freeze deadline we don't have more time
>> for testing so I've managed to update the gvSIG 1.11 debian
>> package to work on this release.
>> - The debian package now also accepts openjdk-7-jre as a
>> dependency as well as openjdk-6-jre and sun-java6-jre
>> - I've tweaked the initial script to load the OSGeo Live sample 
>> project on the gvSIG startup.
>> - I've updated the new gvSIG small icons[1]
>> So I've uploaded the changes on the install script as well as
>> some minor changes on the sample project (#8109 and #8110).
>> I have no way to upload the debian package (150MB) to the new
>> gvSIG downloads repo (I'm waiting for the permissions) nor any
>> other reliable space (I'm on holidays so no support from
>> Prodevelop right now also).
>> I've uploaded the deb package to Dropbox[2](#8111) and updated
>> the script with that link but I would prefer if at least for this
>> release OSGeo can host the file and then update accordingly the
>> script.
>> Of course the dropbox url can fail at any time depending on how
>> many downloads the link has; that's why I've added a note so the
>> script will fail until the correct url is updated.
>> I will be available tomorrow Monday and maybe on Tuesday by mail 
>> (maybe also by irc) but from then and to the end of the month I
>> won't be available so I hope we have time to update the script
>> and be tested before the release.
>> I'm really sorry for the short times and I would of course
>> understand if gvSIG can't enter on this release of the LiveDVD.
>> Best regards
>> [1]
>> http://outreach.gvsig.org/spread/normalized-gvsig-small-icons 
>> [2] 
>> https://dl.dropbox.com/s/8h0lm1gewzvuage/gvsig_1.11-1305_i386_OSGeoLive.deb?dl=1
> A copy is being moved to
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/data/gvsig/ That can be the
> official place to get it. Angelos mentioned he pulled a copy to his
> build server too.
> Thanks, Alex

Hi thank you Alex and Angelos for your fast response.

For the next release I will have a proper place at our servers at
gvSIG devel platform so I don't have to bother you with this.

For the records, Angelos is telling me on the IRC that the package
seems to work and there are only (apparently) minor cosmetic problems.

Best regards

- -- 
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
gvSIG Team at Prodevelop
Technical Collaborations Manager

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